Anyways...there is alot here, and there is so much more in journals, and other energetic experiences..
I have finished the year of keeping FBs fire lit...and taken some time to re-group my dreaming now onto the next phase. I am not sure what that will be yet, but I will find out I am sure ;)
I was given Judy's book Lavender a few years back, but never read it yet...I do not usually read other people's dreaming books, because of residue...but tonight I read the beginning, and up to page 3.
I have to say, I think she is the first person I ever met who actually goes into dreaming like I I might break my tradition and read her book :)
Pohakanten Puih
Monday, May 25, 2015
Vibrational Precognition - Elew Notes...
This seems jumbled or confusing to read now, like I might have written it clearer...but it is not easy to put these things into words. I have no references, and have never met anyone else who even speaks about these I do the best I can.
Mar 14, 2011
This seems jumbled or confusing to read now, like I might have written it clearer...but it is not easy to put these things into words. I have no references, and have never met anyone else who even speaks about these I do the best I can.
Mar 14, 2011
I didn't dream of this earthquake in Japan, and for me that shows something.
It is something I have been trying to explain in alot of places, for a long while.
I felt the pull into death, this time, but I was trying to not fall into it...and have been going over the vibrations...being in them, or inbetween them, and choosing which one to go into. And why am I choosing the one I go into.
With the Haiti earthquake, it was found in the was the oozing of the fear, into the water there...and that had to be cleared, and it came in the form of the dead people dream.
The fear of death, it was the vibration I was drawn into, but I didn't know why. I had never even been to the dream site, but I was drawn to it, and then found the ones there who were doing what they call shared dreaming...but the three of them were playing out their fears of death, which is fine, but it surrounded me with that fear vibration.
And to follow into the fear vibration, it went straight into the dead people dream.
In the Haiti earthquake, there was no physical beforehand knowing, and when it happened, there was so much fear.
This time the feeling of death before Fukushima, it was coming in the form of a very huge feeling, that was not fear as much, it was something else that was hard for me to I talked to Nyai about it for hours, and got into a ginger bath, to try and clear it. But he described it as an ontological sadness. And that maybe fits the best, for the feeling.
I have been feeling to go into death, not by my body here dying, but maybe to find Monte Ullman, or to just go beyond.
But when I feel this, I have to look at everything around, and how none of it matters...because none of it can go with us. All of these things around, and then in the next days after, it was right there in the photos of Japan.
I was going to post about it, before, when I had said I was going over some things that are very important about going beyond to find someone...but the words would not come out then.
Anyways, it is not really a beforehand seeing of this was the vibration drawing me in towards it, and if I had gone into it and followed it, then I may have ended up walking through it. But whatever it was, I didn't want to go into it. That is what me and Nyai have been speaking about.
Just like with seeing a person, in order to see and feel what they are doing, or what will happen, I have to brush up on their energy...and then go into it.
That part is not very difficult to do.
Where it becomes more difficult, is coming back out of it...not getting lost in the vibrations. To brush up on it, follow the energy, go into it...and then to not get lost in there...and to find the way back out...
What it seems like, is that there is an inbetween, and then, like being in a room with many doors all around it, with each doorway going into a vibration of a place, or of a state, which are kind of the same, but not always, and not quite...
But we can go into any vibration we choose to, or which ever ones we are drawn into, which is like binaural beats, like energetic entrainment? being drawn into a state.
But anyways, while I was feeling this, being drawn into death again, and feeling to go beyond, and the overwhelming huge feeling, I was going to write about recurring themes, instead of recurring dreams.
And we were going over what vibrations we would choose to move into, instead of that energetic entrainment...and I feel like I would like to be in a lighter vibration, for a while.
But this one is like if all of the doorways are there, there is one other one, the doorway behind me, like the other option.
That is where I feel to go...into that other vibration.
Something Orange
May 4, 2011
May 4, 2011
This came right after the wave into sleep, there was an orange swirling, getting brighter. Then the deeper shades, and the darker spots flowing over it...but it was all so bright it was alive, as it was flowing...
It was the first time I have seen any orange like that. It was like streams of lava.
An Odd Shop
Jun 18, 2011
Jun 18, 2011
I was in an odd antique shop last night.I was doing sales, helping on a busy day...there was some sort of festival happening outdoors.
At the end of the day, I was going to do the cash out, and get the deposit ready...but before that there was something the owner wanted to do.
I shifted into this other area, where there were alot of kids, and I was in one of them, but still me. (that means it is not my dream, I am just seeing, like 3D seeing)There were six of us in this one group, and we were doing some sort of play, but the part we were doing right then, it had a song.
The stage set was sort of interesting, there were steps going up on each side, that curved up and in towards the centre part...they were made though, from bits of other places that had been brought there and pieced together for this. So some parts were metal, and some parts wood, and then behind where people could not see there were some flat parts like platforms.
It reminded me of this other place, a funhouse like place where I have dreamt before. And after going through the fun house there, it goes into an antique shop where this one guy is there. But in this place, we were in costume, or in clothes that seemed in costume to me. Me and the kids split into three of us on each side, and we were singing a song in two parts. The song was not in english, I don't know what the language was. But the other three kids started walking up one side, while we started walking up this side...and then at the top we could go by each other and down the steps, and then by each other in front of it, and then up the steps again. So I was like two circles moving, but they weave together on the top and the bottom. At the same time as we were singing this song, in two parts, that were different, but would also weave together. I cannot write all of the details, or it would be a book. But after this song, and play...then I went back to do the days books for the shop, and that is what the owner has done...he had put most of the days money for these kids. There was only a small bit left, so I found a way to make it fit, in a way that he could have it be in one of each coin from there. It was a different kind of money too, but the coins were beautiful. They had beautiful old designs on them, and there was one that seemed smaller than a dime even. They were goldish coloured, but one of them was silverish, and one seemed more like bronze maybe...but it could have been oxydized gold. There were four coins though, and each one was different. I put one of each of them into the envelope that was for the day's end money...but there was a feeling with it. The coins did not feel like ordinary coins. I noticed there were two envelopes there though. I felt that there would be a second day of the festival. They were like the 9X11 yellowish kind of envelopes, so that the daily money sheets could go into them and not get bent. But then I had shifted more into another place, so I was not there for the second day. It could be interesting to go back. |
Sidecar Shoes
Aug 6, 2011
Aug 6, 2011
I was in this odd very slightly lucid space kentun tuka (last night).
In one part, this girl was walking down the street, and she had on these white crochet slipper like shoes...but one of them had an extra part on the side, like a side car...and she had apparently had a baby, and it was in that part.
The baby was very small, and I wondered why she would put it in there like that.
She was not paying attention the baby at all...but there were other people taking pictures of her. Sort of walking along after her, they were like a camera crew or something, she was some sort of famous person.
But I was watching that slipper shoe side car with the tiny baby in it, flopping along as she walked, and it was almost too odd for me to remember.
Another part I had a bloody nose. That was interesting. I never had a bloody nose in a dream before. There were some other people around, and they wanted me to do something, or were waiting for me to...and I was like, 'well, I kind of have a bloody nose right now"
But I actually wanted to look at the blood, and notice if it looked like blood does physically, and it was not quite the same.
And then another part, there was the girl again, the side car shoes one...and she was in this area where there was some trees and things, it was outdoors, but like the drainage areas, so there were trees even though it was like suburbia...
There was a fenced off part, and she fell into that. It was pretty deep, but it was not seeing her get hurt, it was just seeing her slip and fall into that.
Another kind of Food Dreaming
Apr 18, 2011
Apr 18, 2011
I was in the dunes, or someplace like them, but it was a sand clearing, with trees around it, and bushes and other plants.
It was very dark, like in the layers, and around the edges of the darkness there was no sound, like a darkness cave.
There were some stones and I had made them into a circle and made a fire in it, and I was cooking something when I became aware seemed like a bunny, and it smelled very good.
But just when I took it out from the fire, it was a very big black cat...a panther cat was right there, and it was hungrier then me, so I slowly moved back from it so it could eat the bunny.
I didn't go away from it, only over next to the fire, and I just stayed there, and untangled my hair, and started to clean my arms and face and things like cats would do, and it was eating, and watching me.
I could feel it's energy calm, and so I layed down, and it came over and smelled me, and touched my hand with it's paw, but it didn't hurt me, or feel like it would.
Then it went a little bit away and layed down too and started cleaning itself.
Things shifted though, and I could see and feel the big cat up in a tree, and I was down over behind some tallish thick bushes, and there was a deer hiding in there, it was hiding from the cat...but I spooked it out, and the cat jumped down onto it and killed it, to eat.
But it only ate half of it, and then it walked away some over to the fire there, and I went slowly over towards the deer, watching the cat...but it just looked at me, and kept on cleaning said something to the deer, and I cleaned the skin off of the other side, and the antlers and the hooves, and the other deer meat to cook.
I could clean the skin and tack it up, and when the other meat was cooked, then I put a piece for the big cat too.
It let me come right over next to it to bring it, and I was sitting with this big cat eating deer meat.
It let me come right next to it, and I put my hand over and it let me touch it's head, to scratch the ears, and it liked that...and it let me touch between it's eyes. And then it thumped it's paw foot on my arm, but not with claws, it was just doing that. and started licking my face to clean it.
It had a rough tongue, but that was alright.
Then things shifted again, and I was going down this hill with another hill just ahead of me, and another something big tried to jump on me, growling and not very nice...and the big black cat sort of jumped out of nowhere, and was yelling at the other one, and it didn't hurt it, but it ran away...and the black cat started purring really loudly, and I woke here.
Talavek Honey?
Jan 17th 2012
I don't have time to write all of the details right now, so these are just notes. I will write out the details later.
...but I wonder why this is what Tuu'tappihyaa showed me...
Talavik honey, not for sale, on the roof in plastic containers...the two girls
Tuu'tappihyaa coming from the other area, and walking with me...putting my head on his head while we walked
Two boys wrestling, one much bigger, playing with the small boy...
The family there who I was with
answering the door, and the woman who does not like me was there with her husband. Giving me the solar plexus feeling, so I asked their names...the man just looked at me, and then said, 'I will tell you, when we met before, I did not ________ you'...and he looked at me dead in the eyes, no life there. His eyes were red, but there was no thing in them. Her eyes either...they did not want to know me.
So I said, 'okay then', nodded that I understood, and walked away from them.
Area with things...then all the trucks, and then tables and things being set up to a yard sale, and women there talking about another area had done this last weekend and they did well...
My wondering how, because we were on a road out in this desert like place...though there were large hills covered in green, not a road people come down, so they must have made it known in the nearby towns.
I was out there to go and get something for the grandfather in the family, just before the tables were coming, and before Tuu'tappihyaa came...
The two girls said their mother had made the Talavik honey and had put it out. First I thought they meant they were selling it out on one of the tables, so I asked them how much it was, and what kind of honey? Then they said Talavik, and just said that about their mother making it. It took me a moment to realize that they were not selling it, they just wanted to know if I wanted some, because they pointed to the roof to show me their mother had put it outdoors to keep it cool.
They were asking me, because Tuu'tappihyaa was with me.
Then I saw this old paper, where it was written, 'Talavik (maybe it was talavek) honey, made with oysters (I saw a purple shell) found in the lava beds...
Sunday, May 24, 2015
The Little Boy and Honey
VERY interesting
I await further meanings
thank you sister
This was almost the beginning of a year long dreaming with KB...I cannot post most of what happened, because it was personal between us...but I can post a few dreams. I spent most of my dreaming time with him, as he prepared to cross...and then the full year after tending to his fire, in dreaming, as he had asked me to...
There was a depth, in the darkness where all the surfaces are dense and translucent together...double dimensions, in a depth beyond them all...
I was in this place, in an apartment where I had not been before. There is a door to my right, that goes outdoors...a kitchen area to my front left, and behind me passed a partial wall, is a livingroom area. When I turn around to face the living room, the far wall, there is a window, some chairs, and the couch in the middle, facing the wall...and over to the right on the far wall, is another door going outdoors...There is a lamp over near the window and chairs that is on, because it is night, but over near the kitchen it is day, and bright. Time passes there...
I had come in the first door, and was going into the kitchen with the Horse lady, because something was cooking...the Horse lady was making the costumes for a play, and we had alot of things to do. But I noticed I needed to wash my hair? We were just about ready, and I was wondering where to wash my hair (another door off to the right when you come in the first door)
When all the kids (teenagers) for the play came in the other door...they were all upset and wanted to talk. I said I was too short to see them standing up, and they would all have to sit down, so they did, all around the room sort of in a circle, sitting on the chairs, the floor, the arms of the chairs...They were all upset, and all wanted to talk about I said 'one at a time' a talking circle...
One smaller boy started talking, and he was crying, so I went over next to him and knelt down. He leaned on me like a little boy, and hugged me while he was telling me, he was dying...he had cancer, and that was why everyone was upset. It was a very deep conversation, with no words outloud, but they were very clear.
We were there for a while, and when he was done speaking, and his tears could calm down some, I asked him if his mother knew, and that she would understand and help him...and he smiled and pointed to the couch...his mother was sitting there smiling back at him and at me...she was someone I had seen a photo of from Etsy, Hazel's Grandaughter, which puzzled me a bit right then...
We had to leave, to get things ready for the play, and I wondered because none of the other kids were able to speak, but it seemed like they were alright, because the boy had spoken what they were all upset about.
For the play, it was a big wooden ship, a real one in the ocean, but right up next to the beach, about twenty feet off shore, with a little plank dock, and a dingy there...we were all on the ship for a moment, and then things shifted and I was standing invisible on the shore, watching...there was an old salty dawg kind of captain. He was acting the old salty, but he was really a captain, and he was teaching one of the boys about tying up the dingy...he had him pull it in, and tip it off...then he would ask the boy, 'do you think she is ready?'...the boy said yes, so the captian said to step to the other side of the dingy...and when the boy did, the rope went slack...and the captain saying to always be sure, or he would loose the dingy in the storms...
Then a larger shift, and me and the Horse lady were in an alley, by a whitewashed cement type of building with open windows...I mean no glass, just was a long building to my right, and a dirt ground outdoors...the buildings to the left were wavering though, sometimes there making it an alley, and sometimes not, leaving it sunny and open.
There was a girl there too, we knew her, and she was looking for her school. She had a camera with her, and she said she just got a job taking photos...but she had to find the building...We could not go with her right then, so we just told her how to get there.
The Horse lady said the boy was inside, and she had to bring this to him (a paper bag with something in it) But when we got inside, she handed me the bag to give him, while she went to speak with the doctors...because this was a hospital.
There was a long hall that was not clean, and there was oozy moisture all along the floor edges...and the boy was on a hospital narrow bed at the end of the hall.
I went down there, and there was one of the metal silver tall trays on wheels, with an empty water bottle tipped over on it. He was laying there, and he said to me he was so thirsty, but not speaking outloud...I took the bottle and told him I would get him some water, don't worry...
And I gave him the bag before I went...he was Very happy to see it, he even smiled when he took it from me :)
I had to go down the hall, and around to the left, to find some water. There was another long hall just on the other side of the wall from the hall the boy was in...there was a sink partway down it, and at the end I could see the Horse lady near a bed there, and she was speaking with the doctors, about if the boy would stay, and what bed he would be in...there was the very deep solar plexus feeling...I knew the boy was staying, and I would not see him again.
I turned back to the sink, and it was grimey, like the floors someone had tried to wash the floors, and rinsed out the mop, but then didn't clean the sink.
I didn't want to use it, but the boy was so I tried it. The water was cloudy, like a white cloudy...I let it run for a while, until it was a clear as it seemed it could get...and I half filled the bottle. Then I held it up to watch if the cloudyness went away, because maybe it was just air in the lines...I watched it hard, because it had to be clear for him to drink...and the cloud in it swirled narrower, and then smaller...until the water was clear. Then the solar plexus feeling lifted some, because at least he could drink.
I held up the bottle for the Horse lady to see, so she would know I was bringing him water, and she nodded, but kept speaking with the doctors.
I went back down the other hall to the boy then, and when I got there, we shifted into the bed area where the Horse lady was...the doctors were gone, and the Horse lady picked up a book that was in the bag...the other things in the bag were some squarish flat wax things filled with honey the boy had gotten from his bee friends...and some cake that the Horse lady had made him too. He was very happy she had brought him the honey, most of all.
The Horse lady had made the book, and it was beautiful. They opened it and were looking, so I saw too, it was a book of the play. And she had made it so all of the characters had window that the photos of the kids faces were all there, in their characters. It was that way through the whole book, and the illustrations were done so well, they looked just like what was around us when we were at the ship and in the pirates graveyard. The same deepness and the dark translucent feeling...he was so happy with it too...
Then for a moment, we shifted again, back into the first hallway, just the boy on the narrow bed, and me...but there were others around. A bunch of other people, all standing around, telling him things, like how much he would be missed, and how he was such a good boy...they were around him like crows, and he was getting that blank it was all noise.
I thought, they don't even know he likes honey, or what is his favorite cake...or that he really wants to be on the ship...they don't even know him...
He heard me, because we didn't need words...and he put his hand out. So I stepped over, and held his hand, and our hearts touched for that moment...and I was glad he was not alone with the crows. His eyes came back, the stare went away...and he said good bye to me. He made my heart smile, he was not afraid.
Then things shifted again, this time me and the Horse lady were in the pirates graveyard with all of the other kids for the was night now, and there are huge trees, with great climbing branches, but they are very very big trees.
All the kids were climbing in the trees, all over the branches, and one of the girls almost fell. She slid down a long ways, and got a little bit hurt, but not then the Horse lady said to them all, that it was time to get back to doing the play.
The kids all started walking together through this graveyard, in the night, and we were walking behind them...and the energy had all calmed...
There was more, but then things shifted into other dreaming...
Sorry it is so long...Nyai calls them my short dreams. I wanted to show you though...
I was in this place, in an apartment where I had not been before. There is a door to my right, that goes outdoors...a kitchen area to my front left, and behind me passed a partial wall, is a livingroom area. When I turn around to face the living room, the far wall, there is a window, some chairs, and the couch in the middle, facing the wall...and over to the right on the far wall, is another door going outdoors...There is a lamp over near the window and chairs that is on, because it is night, but over near the kitchen it is day, and bright. Time passes there...
I had come in the first door, and was going into the kitchen with the Horse lady, because something was cooking...the Horse lady was making the costumes for a play, and we had alot of things to do. But I noticed I needed to wash my hair? We were just about ready, and I was wondering where to wash my hair (another door off to the right when you come in the first door)
When all the kids (teenagers) for the play came in the other door...they were all upset and wanted to talk. I said I was too short to see them standing up, and they would all have to sit down, so they did, all around the room sort of in a circle, sitting on the chairs, the floor, the arms of the chairs...They were all upset, and all wanted to talk about I said 'one at a time' a talking circle...
One smaller boy started talking, and he was crying, so I went over next to him and knelt down. He leaned on me like a little boy, and hugged me while he was telling me, he was dying...he had cancer, and that was why everyone was upset. It was a very deep conversation, with no words outloud, but they were very clear.
We were there for a while, and when he was done speaking, and his tears could calm down some, I asked him if his mother knew, and that she would understand and help him...and he smiled and pointed to the couch...his mother was sitting there smiling back at him and at me...she was someone I had seen a photo of from Etsy, Hazel's Grandaughter, which puzzled me a bit right then...
We had to leave, to get things ready for the play, and I wondered because none of the other kids were able to speak, but it seemed like they were alright, because the boy had spoken what they were all upset about.
For the play, it was a big wooden ship, a real one in the ocean, but right up next to the beach, about twenty feet off shore, with a little plank dock, and a dingy there...we were all on the ship for a moment, and then things shifted and I was standing invisible on the shore, watching...there was an old salty dawg kind of captain. He was acting the old salty, but he was really a captain, and he was teaching one of the boys about tying up the dingy...he had him pull it in, and tip it off...then he would ask the boy, 'do you think she is ready?'...the boy said yes, so the captian said to step to the other side of the dingy...and when the boy did, the rope went slack...and the captain saying to always be sure, or he would loose the dingy in the storms...
Then a larger shift, and me and the Horse lady were in an alley, by a whitewashed cement type of building with open windows...I mean no glass, just was a long building to my right, and a dirt ground outdoors...the buildings to the left were wavering though, sometimes there making it an alley, and sometimes not, leaving it sunny and open.
There was a girl there too, we knew her, and she was looking for her school. She had a camera with her, and she said she just got a job taking photos...but she had to find the building...We could not go with her right then, so we just told her how to get there.
The Horse lady said the boy was inside, and she had to bring this to him (a paper bag with something in it) But when we got inside, she handed me the bag to give him, while she went to speak with the doctors...because this was a hospital.
There was a long hall that was not clean, and there was oozy moisture all along the floor edges...and the boy was on a hospital narrow bed at the end of the hall.
I went down there, and there was one of the metal silver tall trays on wheels, with an empty water bottle tipped over on it. He was laying there, and he said to me he was so thirsty, but not speaking outloud...I took the bottle and told him I would get him some water, don't worry...
And I gave him the bag before I went...he was Very happy to see it, he even smiled when he took it from me :)
I had to go down the hall, and around to the left, to find some water. There was another long hall just on the other side of the wall from the hall the boy was in...there was a sink partway down it, and at the end I could see the Horse lady near a bed there, and she was speaking with the doctors, about if the boy would stay, and what bed he would be in...there was the very deep solar plexus feeling...I knew the boy was staying, and I would not see him again.
I turned back to the sink, and it was grimey, like the floors someone had tried to wash the floors, and rinsed out the mop, but then didn't clean the sink.
I didn't want to use it, but the boy was so I tried it. The water was cloudy, like a white cloudy...I let it run for a while, until it was a clear as it seemed it could get...and I half filled the bottle. Then I held it up to watch if the cloudyness went away, because maybe it was just air in the lines...I watched it hard, because it had to be clear for him to drink...and the cloud in it swirled narrower, and then smaller...until the water was clear. Then the solar plexus feeling lifted some, because at least he could drink.
I held up the bottle for the Horse lady to see, so she would know I was bringing him water, and she nodded, but kept speaking with the doctors.
I went back down the other hall to the boy then, and when I got there, we shifted into the bed area where the Horse lady was...the doctors were gone, and the Horse lady picked up a book that was in the bag...the other things in the bag were some squarish flat wax things filled with honey the boy had gotten from his bee friends...and some cake that the Horse lady had made him too. He was very happy she had brought him the honey, most of all.
The Horse lady had made the book, and it was beautiful. They opened it and were looking, so I saw too, it was a book of the play. And she had made it so all of the characters had window that the photos of the kids faces were all there, in their characters. It was that way through the whole book, and the illustrations were done so well, they looked just like what was around us when we were at the ship and in the pirates graveyard. The same deepness and the dark translucent feeling...he was so happy with it too...
Then for a moment, we shifted again, back into the first hallway, just the boy on the narrow bed, and me...but there were others around. A bunch of other people, all standing around, telling him things, like how much he would be missed, and how he was such a good boy...they were around him like crows, and he was getting that blank it was all noise.
I thought, they don't even know he likes honey, or what is his favorite cake...or that he really wants to be on the ship...they don't even know him...
He heard me, because we didn't need words...and he put his hand out. So I stepped over, and held his hand, and our hearts touched for that moment...and I was glad he was not alone with the crows. His eyes came back, the stare went away...and he said good bye to me. He made my heart smile, he was not afraid.
Then things shifted again, this time me and the Horse lady were in the pirates graveyard with all of the other kids for the was night now, and there are huge trees, with great climbing branches, but they are very very big trees.
All the kids were climbing in the trees, all over the branches, and one of the girls almost fell. She slid down a long ways, and got a little bit hurt, but not then the Horse lady said to them all, that it was time to get back to doing the play.
The kids all started walking together through this graveyard, in the night, and we were walking behind them...and the energy had all calmed...
There was more, but then things shifted into other dreaming...
Sorry it is so long...Nyai calls them my short dreams. I wanted to show you though...
VERY interesting
I await further meanings
thank you sister
Fukushima Dreaming with Ralf
Unfortunately I cannot find the entire thread saved anywhere...and the IASD forum seems to have been wiped clear, so maybe if Ralf has his dreams saved, I can add them in...without his half it is only a little bit of what happened...
I will keep looking, I hope I have the entire thread saved...
Unfortunately I cannot find the entire thread saved anywhere...and the IASD forum seems to have been wiped clear, so maybe if Ralf has his dreams saved, I can add them in...without his half it is only a little bit of what happened...
I will keep looking, I hope I have the entire thread saved...
Before this dream, I had written this...
Wed Mar 23, 2011 9:18 pm
So I was going to go into dreaming, to pour the clear suspension liquid over the soil there, and find out what happens.
Like one of those polymer gel face masks? They attach to the stuff in the pores and then sort of suck it out? Like seems to absorb the radiation.
A baby and an Onion
Thursday, March 24, 2011, 4:54 AM
And then
Sat Apr 02, 2011 1:38 am I was meditating, and the two dreams came floating by...the nuclear jello, and the green onion ones...
I feel that this polymer synthetic resin, is what I saw when I wrote just that. [[So I was going to go into dreaming, to pour the clear suspension liquid over the soil there, and find out what happens. Like one of those polymer gel face masks? They attach to the stuff in the pores and then sort of suck it out? Like seems to absorb the radiation.]] But the nuclear jello, it looked and felt just like jello. It was a clearish suspension that jelled after it got poured over the whole place, and it suspended the radiation inside of it..., and when I was bringing it over to the professor, it seemed just like a cup of jello. It was made to pour right over the fuel rods. Maybe that resin they are using would jell like that if they put it into a cup...but I will watch to see. I don't know, but I just felt that there is more, something that has not come out yet. So I figured I would write that. So now I am off into my own dreams for a while...
And now they seem to be getting closer, because I just saw this...
The operator of the troubled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant will start injecting water-absorbing polymers into a cracked pit to stop radioactive water from leaking into the ocean.
And this...
"We are hoping that the polymers will absorb water and fill in the pipe to prevent water from flowing,"
Water absorbing polymers, which are classified as hydro gels
So I guess they are getting closer...and maybe they will also find the nuclear jello that can go right over the fuel rods too.
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