Saturday, May 23, 2015

Stone Green Tablet

Jan 2, 2006

I woke up at around 6:30 and I had had another disc dream. But it was not a disc this time.
I was in this place that was next to a side of an ice bluff. It looked like the side had fallen, you know? It was straight up and down, and it had a curve so it was like a cove.
There were these people there, and they were sitting in a circle, and there was a lady behind me this time. To my left, and she was saying something to me, but it was a language I do not know. I had to sort of listen without listening to understand her, but she did not say much so it was ok.
She said they were Volcree, or Vulcree...or that may be the name of the place, and there were twelve languages, or groups. And something about northern, or the north.
They were doing something, and she went into the circle, she had a place, and they were doing this thing like the tibetan overtones, but it was so full spectrum, not just low. And what happened is this thing appeared, in the middle of this circle. It was just like the dics when there were three.
There was only one, and it was greenish, like a stone would be green, and it was like a rectangle, but almost square, and it was really big. I wanted to go touch it to see if it felt the same, and this one guy just looked at me like he knew what I wanted to do and he 'looked' me the answer. I just knew it was ok, so I went into the middle and the sound was all in me. It was doing something in me, I do not know what, but I could feel every bit of me.
This green tablet was just like the discs. The substance, it is like liquid light, and when I put my hand in it the movement keeps going, it does not feel wet, but moves like liquid. This time it had a coolness to it.
It had the same markings as the discs, but they were in rows, and the movement was like the liquid moving downward...but just like the discs, the symbols were not moving, it was the substance moving. And it was thick, so I could not reach the other side of it, I was going to just step into it to see how deep it was and I woke up right then.
The whole thing was short, but maybe more will happen. With the disc dream, it was just the beginning, and after I found the disc, then the rest of the dream came.
I cannot recall what the people looked like, but the lady had dark hair. And the man that looked at me had dark hair and dark eyes, brown that blends into the pupils. But the faces escape me.

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