Apr 6, 2007
I was in this car with two people I don't know, they were giving me a ride home.
Home was down this curved road, in a forest, and would be down this road, to the left.
It was very dark night. We kept going and going, and then we were on bridges, but there were so many, concrete bridges. They were really cool looking, arching over one another.
But I asked, 'where are we? I don't remember having to go by this to get where I live. Is this a city or something?'
But the girl in the front passenger seat, she said something back which had nothing to do with what I asked, and I couldn't feel her, so I figured that they were not real. I couldn't feel the guy who was driving either.
We went down a steep side of a bridge, and into this grass parking lot, but then it was dirt, like somewhere that had been parked on many times, and had been muddy at times, then dried.
I asked them again, 'where is this place?' but they just got out of the car and were gone.
When I got out of the car, RC was with me. There was a guy by a building, and we went over to him, and I asked him, 'Do you know where we are?'
He looked at me strange, so I said, 'no really, where is this place'
And he said to me, like I should know, 'It's John Brown's island'
Then he was showing us these bright red patches on his skin, and saying it was from blood pressure, but that it would be fine now. And RC pointed to his tummy, and said, 'oh, does it hurt? Because those are really cool'
There were these lines, like wood grain, or the lines on the water? that were all shades of red, into deeper reds, almost purplish...swirled, over fairish skin.
He started laughing, and said that no, it didn't hurt.
But I wanted to find out what this place was, so I turned around, and there was this tourist info booth. I felt, 'oh, great, a tourist trap'...and said to RC, 'ok, let's go to the edges and find out if there are any real people here.'
As we were walking towards the back, a very large guy was going by, with a box full of fabric and things. He was saying, 'It's almost time' and giving each person something from the box. But when he got to RC, he looked down at her, and said, 'but you brought your own costume, didn't you.'
She smiled, and said, 'yes, of course I did.', and ran off to get it.
Then there was sort of a blip, of another thing...there was a table with fabric piled on it, and one narrow strip of terry had these big ladybugs on it. They were different colours, so I started to pick it up, to see what other colours were there.
And there was a lady near me, who said, 'Wow, that would make something lovely for a little girl'
I backed away from her just a bit, and said that she could have it then. But the feeling was 'um, no, I am not interested in your sewing club'
Then it switched back, and I was walking towards the back again...there seemed to be a wall there now, with a door to the right. There were people all around, making things, and doing things...sort of behind the scenes.
There was a boy with dark, longish hair to his shoulders, sitting at this table in front of me a ways. I could feel it was Nyai though. He had a board, and was doing something on it with silver wires, and those small little things that are used to make electric things work. You know, some of them are grey with numbers and letters on them?
He was very intent on what he was doing.
And then I was just inside the door, seeing all of this from the other angle.
A guy was walking towards me, and he was clicking his fingers, but the sound, it was something different, not at all the way it would physically sound. And off a ways, there was a girl humming, and over a bit, another girl talking...and it was becoming the oversound...
I was looking around to see the other sounds, and Nyai was looking around too, and when he looked at me, I knew he was hearing it...
I was starting to walk over to him, and he was standing with this board.
He just smiled, and turned it so I could see? And there began this lightening all over it, little lines of it eveywhere, and then out of it, came this red translucent bubble, which almost glowed, it did, but not in a way that showed to eyes. It was almost as big as my hand.
It was floating across, and all of the people around, were just standing there, sort of mouth open, frozen, watching it. But it was going to land on this table, and break.
I went over to it, and put my hand under it, in the way to let a bubble land without it breaking. When it was there on my hand, I knew it was like liquid glass, so I was turning my hand around so it would stay a sphere, and there was a sound from it...
I looked to Nyai, to see if he could hear it, and he was smiling...and he slightly nodded that he could hear, but we knew what we were saying between us, in the silent way.
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