Observing Death
Late Fall 2006
I was not going to post this, but figured that was a good reason to. Not because I have a hard time with it, but for another feeling.
If people are sensitive they may not want to read it.
It may stem from reading about the population control...and that makes me think of things.
Anyhow, I was with a lady I know, and she was standing, with one foot up on the step to a porch. She had a blue dress on...but the porch, and whole cottage was white painted. Even the inside.
I had not been in it, but at that moment, I was able to see the inside, the layout of the rooms, I knew what it was like. It had the feel of a pickers cabbin, but bigger.
She was there with me, and she says, "Oh Elew, why did I come back here? I don't want to be here." She lives alone there, but she means why did she come back to earth. She chose to be alone, so it was not about that, it was about earth, the people.
I could not answer her, or say anything in this dream, because I knew I was supposed to be observing. She could see me there though.
Then I turned around, and found myself in this "barn"...it was not a barn, it was a big structure, looking that way from the outside. It was in a field, or open space. I was inside of this, but again, I knew what it appeared like from the outside although I had not seen it, I knew.
In this barn type place, people were coming and going from beyond. It was more of a crossing. From inside there were no walls, or structure.
I was looking around, and I saw that everything in there, the whole area/space was in those brown tones, like the time dream. It was as if things were in a cloud of sorts, but a translucent cloud. An energy cloud, not a physical one. But there were swirls, and thinner areas, and denser areas.
The people were not solid either, they were various densities too. Some appeared as human, and some as energy forms. They were all different, but not seeming like babies.
I flashed into a memory, but I am not sure whos memory...it was being in a group of children. The place was greyscale, but that may have been because it was an old sort of city looking place.
I was there as a child, and was with other kids. We were singing/chanting this...
Children are dying, people are crying...
Stab a knife in your back...
Let the blood drip down
Let the blood drip down
Let the blood drip down
Children are dying, people are crying...
There were other verses that I won't get into.
It was not a sad song/chant. It was just the way things were. It was 'real' because we were singing what was around, but it was a game to us, the chant, and doing the movements.
And then I flashed back into the barn type place, but it was different. I was seeing death. Like the energy where mass people die. It all seemed post war, a memory...I was just there, observing death on a mass scale.
But it was not about the bodies dying - it was about the movement to and from. I knew it was not some sort of 'gateway of death' or anything. There were no bounderies there.
Then things shifted again out of war/post war energy...which was sort of a one way flow of souls...back into more of a to and from flow.
I turned again, which brought me back to the cottage. The lady had gone, I felt maybe inside. And there was grass, with a footpath there. I noticed it was such a contrast. There was early morning sun, and dew on the grass, where it shines through the droplets?
Everything felt clear. It was so still.
I began feeling this energy around me, I had felt it while I was meditating before I fell asleep, and I knew it was the same. It had a tingling feeling. So I went into that feeling and left the dream into another...
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