Sunday, May 24, 2015

Situations Seen Beforehand in Dreaming

I wrote these in email to Nyai, so the 'you' in my writing, is him.
Date: Saturday, January 9, 2010, 4:59 PM

It was in a dream...I was in the regular dream, of the thrift shop, and then I stepped out of it. I put the words below after the dream.

It wasn't like this thrift shop, it was about the regular dream...and I was writing somewhere first.

Then it was being in the different thrift shop, which was this thrift shop's dream...the people were there, and acting like the people in this thrift shop, which seems to happen whenever I dream of them. 
The last time, it was in that very very big building, with the steel frame that showed, and the two people who I worked with here, they were there, but I noticed then that they were acting just like at work, and I wondered why they would not be different.

And this time, they were all just like at work there, afraid of being themself, afraid to loose their jobs, and just the whole thing.
So I was there, and brought one girl aside, and was telling her that I had spoken with E, but she was not able to listen, she was too afraid to be seen talking...

So I just gave up on that, and was looking around.

Earlier, I had had the blue backpack with me, the one I had when I came to see you? and then when I was going, I had the orange bag, the one like the army navy one you have, like a duffle/backpack.

But what I had written, it was in the blue backpack. And I was standing there for a moment, and like...'no, I know I didn't go back to get this bag, and I didn't bring the blue backpack out of here. I know it is here somewhere, and that is how things get lost in regular dreams, because they don't notice, and important things just get absorbed into the murk of their dreaming...and they let it happen, just like in those sites.'

I was sort of pissed off at the regular dreamingness, not that it was there, but that it is, and that people would just go along with it. Like what happened with the shadow site, how everyone would just listen to s.

So I let the orange bag dissolve, and went looking for the blue one, because that was a solid one, and it had to be there.

I found it, and someone had stuffed it under something, with the other employees coats and I took it out, and was like, 'no, they probably cannot have that.'
I looked to see if my notebook was in it, and it was...and then I went to this table, where they had different food things, and some other things. But there was one thing, when I reached out my hand to pick up something, this one thing was there in my hand.
It was like a clear quartz, but it had this blue in the centre of it, like the nightlight blue, with some dark in it too...and it was glowing.
It reminded me of the blue light swirl that came from between the dots, and that you had slept with me here, and when I was showing you. And it reminded me of the people in those blue robes, when the monk guys were there, in that other place with the tarot cards.
So I kept the crystal, I put it in my backpack.

Over behind me some, when I turned around to see it, there was a counter that had some fruit and things in a box on the floor. It was filled with dust clumps, and this lady was looking at them, because she was hungry, and she didn't have money to go where they would be more money...but they were all covered in the dust, so I thought of the basket of fruit here, and I made it on that counter...and I took the pear out of it because you like pears, and I said to her that she could have the whole basket of fruit for no money, because it was mine, and they couldn't make her pay for it.

But then I went to the front counter, which was different, to tell the guy at the register that I gave her the fruit, because of how when there is no price, then they take it back...

I was telling him, and this guy to the left of me, he reached over and touched my hair, and he felt goopy heavy...and I just looked at him, and said to not touch me...and he got this smile, and pointed a wood stick thing, like a walking cane, at me, and then he tripped me down and was jabbing it towards me, like he was going to put it through me. It was narrow enough that if it was physical, it could go through someone...and he was smiling, not a happy smile, not joking, but the kind of smile like, when someone likes to hurt people...and I just put my hand on it, to hold it back, and said 'no.'
I stopped the time, like suspended. And I left there.

I found myself an outdoor place, with no people, and there were I went next to a tree to sit, and I got out the crystal, and was looking at it, and I could feel it.
And the notebook, I was reading some of the things I had written before, and then I wrote something more.

I was seeing the images, when things melt, and it all drips away...and when the people drip away...when everything melts, and it is stepping out of the dream.....because when it happens, and everything becomes surreal.
But I had written the words, 'standing in those silent spaces, watching all the dripping faces...can you see the world go by...' 

But I heard the flute music with it, and your voice, you were singing some lower and some around...

So when I woke here, I sang it, the parts that I did in the dream, or out of the isn't what I had heard while awake here, but I will do that too, I just wanted to do what happened. I put the warm hall with it, because that is how it sounded there. 

And what happened...
Date: Sunday, January 10, 2010, 10:41 PM

The one guy in the thrift shop dream, I just went to the grocery store to get juice and things, and when I went to the checkout place, he was there.

He was the same exact person I saw...even the same coat. The same tallness, the same hair, and face, and he had something with the skin around one eye...

This guy didn't touch me though. While I was scanning the things, he just hovered by the next counter watching me....and then when I was done, he was still there watching me. So I suspended time in a physical way, to see what he would do, I stopped and talked about the weather with the lady at the register.

He was sort of walking back and forth, but he didn't leave.

So I went like I was walking to go out the middle door, and as soon as I did, then he started walking next to me, so...I didn't go out, I went ahead to the courtesy counter, and then I turned to look at him. He had paused by the door, still watching me, but when I looked at him there, I let your feeling come around me, like when you are next to me sometimes...and then he left.

I might not have noticed him if I had not seen that, but I did notice him right away.

I still almost felt afraid, because of how he was in the dream, but I could let it almost all go, because I knew that it stopped when I suspended time...but physically, it was your energy around me too. And then I didn't see him outdoors when I left either.

But I knew it was something, because it was out of place from the rest of the dream.

I know that maybe he would not be just like in the dream, how he acted, but I did notice it as, 'if it was physical'...and whether he did or not, I would listen to my dreams, because I felt it. 

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