Sunday, May 24, 2015

A Few Days & Twelve Years

Elew on Tue Aug 10, 2010 4:16 pm
The latest that happened this last month, Physically my daughter MC was pregnant.

In the dream we were on the beach in the night, with two of her friends, one of whom is not physically alive anymore. B's body here had died almost two years ago.

But when we were on the beach, her baby was born, and B was trying to put it into the ocean, saying how it had killed my daughter MC. 
I could tell there was something off, because energetically I could feel her fine, but she was dead in this dream. So I took the baby from B, and told him that I will find out what is wrong, and that the baby didn't need to go into the ocean.
I called her very loudly, in the silent way...telling her to look at the baby.

When I woke here physically, I called my daughter, and she said she had heard me calling her name, which woke her physically, When she woke here she could feel that something was wrong with the baby, and went to the hospital. She was there for a few hours, and they found the baby's heartbeat was extremely low.
They put her in for a C-section... and now they are both fine...

What I am not certain of yet, is if that is the end of it.
Did I undo something, or was B trying to show that something would happen in the further future, and that is why he was putting the baby into the ocean.
So I will have to either wait to find out, or go into the dream again to see.

The twelve year one, that was with my MC also.

Since she was small, I would dream. Each time it is completely the same, just like when I have the same dream for consecutive days, and then it happens where it manifests physically.. .
But when it happens over a longer time, the dreams seem to be spaced apart more. So then I am not sure when it will happen physically.

This dream, I am in the ocean in the is very cold, and dark, and I am down under the water a ways. Far enough down, that I am looking up to see her floating there.
She was big in all of the dreams, like teenage, even though I had this dream since she was very small.

I could see all of her body, and her long dark hair, floating out around her. She was face down under the water, and she felt dead. But I would keep saying to her loudly, in the dream, to GET UP and MOVE. Not with a voice outloud, but the silent loud voice.
That is the only thing I could do, because I could not interact in that dream.

It happened a couple of winters ago. She was seventeen, and was walking on the dock in the night, at the end of January. Somehow she slipped, and went into the water. They say she must have hit her head, and she was floating in the water unconscious for a few minutes.

She said that she kept hearing me yell at her to get up...but she felt like she was sleeping...and it felt like waking up from a deep sleep...
And she said that it took a moment to realize that she was in the water, and then be sure which way was up to the air...but she was able to, and just was able to swim to the dock ladder and she could barely climb up it.

She had to walk only a few blocks to the closest persons house she knew, and they called the ambulance.
She had gotten some ocean water in her lungs, and got pneumonia from that. Slight hypothermia and a wicked headache...but she could heal from those.

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