There were 3 really large wheels floating in this black space. They were turning in different directions and they kept changing colours but were mostly orange gold. Their meaning was explained to me, but I just can't remember all of it yet. The one on the left was the wheel of life, the center one was the wheel of time, and the one to the right I can't recall. It was really important though. Something was being explained to me.
These wheels were not solid, but seemed made of liquid air mixed with light. Like if you put your hand into them they would shimmer, and you may feel the substance, but they were not solid. They looked like a disc, not a wheel with spokes at all. And there was a pattern showing through them, but as the wheel turned the pattern didn't move even though it was part of the substance of the wheel.
- Sep 20, 2005
I was on the top of a stone building, it resembled the capitol building in a way with the domed roof, but it was all whitish stone and there was a flat place on the top. When I was on the top of this building there was earth under my feet, and when I looked down the whole thing looked different.
Looking down there was no drop like I was up high...instead what I saw was just the ring of whitish stones that I knew were the top of this dome, but from this view they looked like they were a ring of small stones in a flat place that was all earth. Like a clearing, but I couldn't see what was around it, it was darkness.
There was a fire, and somehow there was music and I was dancing by this fire, but it was a certain dance. And then from this dance I was able to leave my dream body and go to another 'level'. It seemed upwards, but then even though I had left my dream body I still had a form that was 'me' but not solid, but I could still feel everything, maybe even more than in waking. As I was halfway like still touching the first dream body, my star friend was there and reached to take my hand and help me up.
I was so happy to see him that I almost forgot to ask, but I did ask him what was the third wheel/disc, was it space? Then there was someone else there too, and we sat around a circle, which made a triangle with 3 of us, and they began to tell they explained. images of the 3 discs appeared floating kind of above us but inbetween us. One inbetween each two people making us a circle instead of a triangle. They were small, like 2 ft across and they were just an image like a diagram to help explain. The discs were spinning like how you may spin a penny, but much slower.
So My star friend and the other person told me that the time was the same as space, they are not two things. And that the the third one is hope, which is made up of belief and truth. (I don't know if I'm explaining this well...) As they are telling me there are images of the words Truth, Belief and Hope and the disc is radiating this gold/yellow was really cool looking :) The other person said that it was very important to know my own truth. I was confused by this because I wondered if truth was actually the wheel, but they said no, knowing your truth is how you get to there. and that belief is trusting your inner knowing, not questioning it, but knowing your truth is how you reach the place where you have no doubts, then you can believe
I asked them what am I supposed to do with this, am I supposed to do something in waking, and they told me that it was just what I need to know now...they would not expand on that. I asked if there were three sun discs in waking and my star friend put his finger on my mouth to tell me to be quiet...
~~~ the rest is left off, because it is not to be shared...anywhere
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