I was consciously going into this other persons dream, because they (a group of three dreamers) had asked me to dream with them...Unfortunately, they became frightened when I actually did appear in their dreams, a few different times. They did not understand why I did the things I did...and took them as negative and frightening...and so I was banned from the place they were writing the dreams.
It was more of a regular dream, but I kept slipping back and forth...and it was another moving dream, but I was someone else, and I was moving to another planet?
I don't recall all of it, but there were some things...a baby who only had one foot. So I had made this odd squishy sort of other foot shoe for her. And I had brought it to her mother, where she worked, because I was leaving, to move.
And there was a box, just one small box, and I was putting into it, things to bring with me? It was odd things, and I kept not going, because there was other things I had to put in the box.
There were three little tiny pairs of gold earrings, and two had stones in them. And something like a small stuffed animal, made from sheepskin with the fur. And some little things like that I was putting in the small box.
I was apparently going to ride with this guy who was going there in a truck, not to go with him, but just because he was going there...and I knew him in the dream. He knew these other people...
But then it shifted into my own dreaming...
It was more of a regular dream, but I kept slipping back and forth...and it was another moving dream, but I was someone else, and I was moving to another planet?
I don't recall all of it, but there were some things...a baby who only had one foot. So I had made this odd squishy sort of other foot shoe for her. And I had brought it to her mother, where she worked, because I was leaving, to move.
And there was a box, just one small box, and I was putting into it, things to bring with me? It was odd things, and I kept not going, because there was other things I had to put in the box.
There were three little tiny pairs of gold earrings, and two had stones in them. And something like a small stuffed animal, made from sheepskin with the fur. And some little things like that I was putting in the small box.
I was apparently going to ride with this guy who was going there in a truck, not to go with him, but just because he was going there...and I knew him in the dream. He knew these other people...
But then it shifted into my own dreaming...
Here is the other person's dream...
01/18/10 Moving Day (non-lucid)
I am in a house with my mother, my brother, and my grandmother in a house I didn't recognize. This didn't seem odd to me at all. I heard my mother talking with a man I didn't know. She was talking about boring business stuff so I decided to leave. I knew exactly where to go as if I'd lived there for years. I went out back and pulled the third cabinet on the left side. It actually looked like it shouldn't open. But if done just right… there! It opened and revealed a secret passage. I went in and closed it behind me. I went up a flight of hidden stairs to a hidden room in the attic. There were lots of cool things there. Old antique books, jewelry that looked like it might be worth money. There was also a bed there. I lied down on it a bit until I got bored and finally went back downstairs.
My mom was waiting impatiently for me. She said we had to go now. I asked why. She said our neighbor was a serial killer and he would certainly come for us. I told her about the secret passage leading to the hidden room. I told her we'd be safe there if something happened. He surely didn't. My mother said there wasn't enough time. Everything was already packed and ready to go. I wanted to go get some stuff from the secret room. The jewels at least. Those would be easy to move. Maybe a book or two. I hurried to the secret room against my mother's protests. I grabbed a box and dumped a bunch of jewelry into it. I also tossed in a couple of my more interesting books. I ran downstairs to catch up with them. Everyone was leaving! Leaving without me! I ran after the pickup truck with the last of our stuff. I jumped and flew. I didn't think flying was odd. I was still holding the box out in front of me. There was a man in the back of the pickup. I wanted him to take the box. He refused. He said I was too late, I was out of luck. I was flying after the truck still when everything faded to black and I woke…
False Awakening…
I sat up in my bed. I needed to record the dream. There was plenty of moonlight. Perfect! I could see what I was writing! I pulled out a pad of paper and a pencil and started to write… the pencil broke. Damn! I looked for another writing utensil. I found a pen. Ok. Now where did I put my pad of paper?! Damn! I was going to forget the dream! I looked around and finally found another pad of paper. Good enough. I was about to start writing when Midna came over and wanted attention. I stroked her. She suddenly stepped back and looked intently to a point in the room where I didn't see anything. She arched her back and hissed. What was she looking at? I didn't see anything. She must be seeing something that my human eyes could not see. There was an unseen presence in my room. Midna hissed again. And from Midna's reaction it wasn't friendly. I was considering my options when I woke for real.
My mom was waiting impatiently for me. She said we had to go now. I asked why. She said our neighbor was a serial killer and he would certainly come for us. I told her about the secret passage leading to the hidden room. I told her we'd be safe there if something happened. He surely didn't. My mother said there wasn't enough time. Everything was already packed and ready to go. I wanted to go get some stuff from the secret room. The jewels at least. Those would be easy to move. Maybe a book or two. I hurried to the secret room against my mother's protests. I grabbed a box and dumped a bunch of jewelry into it. I also tossed in a couple of my more interesting books. I ran downstairs to catch up with them. Everyone was leaving! Leaving without me! I ran after the pickup truck with the last of our stuff. I jumped and flew. I didn't think flying was odd. I was still holding the box out in front of me. There was a man in the back of the pickup. I wanted him to take the box. He refused. He said I was too late, I was out of luck. I was flying after the truck still when everything faded to black and I woke…
False Awakening…
I sat up in my bed. I needed to record the dream. There was plenty of moonlight. Perfect! I could see what I was writing! I pulled out a pad of paper and a pencil and started to write… the pencil broke. Damn! I looked for another writing utensil. I found a pen. Ok. Now where did I put my pad of paper?! Damn! I was going to forget the dream! I looked around and finally found another pad of paper. Good enough. I was about to start writing when Midna came over and wanted attention. I stroked her. She suddenly stepped back and looked intently to a point in the room where I didn't see anything. She arched her back and hissed. What was she looking at? I didn't see anything. She must be seeing something that my human eyes could not see. There was an unseen presence in my room. Midna hissed again. And from Midna's reaction it wasn't friendly. I was considering my options when I woke for real.
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