Saturday, May 23, 2015

Dream Recall

Feb 17, 2007

I was in this stream of lucid dreams. 

There was one, where i was walking in a place that had some trees, and it was becoming double, I noticed. Where there was earth under me, and I had sat down, and then I noticed it was also the very smooth concrete. The kind of some floors, where it feels soft to touch, and smooth on my feet. 

I was in this same body, and I was doing what I would physically, to see what would happen. 

In the tree place, it was sunny, and I have this small gold ring I wear physically, and it was there on my hand. So I took it off to look at it in the sun. 

It has a stone in it, this 1pt alexandrite, the clear kind from Russia, so it really shows the colour change. 

I was looking at the sun shine on it, and recalling where the stone came from, someone had given it to me, and then who made the ring. 

It was like recalling a dream, but reverse, and I was sitting there, going over the whole physical time, like a small lifetime. 

I was there feeling this, like dreams inside of dreams, outside of themselves. 

That everything is a double dream, me in these dreams, going by. 

And then I recalled the mandala dream, and the ancient dream mandala. 

And I realized that this was not about being lucid, but about being lucid to being lucid. Recalling this physical dream, just like recalling non physical dreams. 

Then going over this, it was not thoughts, it was in images...then I remembered there was something I was doing, wanted to do. It was another reverse, something from physical to do non physical. 

I wondered how I would do that from here in this tree place, but it was just the same as physical, so it did not matter where I was, it was only how to do this here or there, because this, what I want to do, is not a dream. 

I put the ring on, and stood up. Then things had the surreal look, and this dark storm of wind and colour swooshed in around the trees, and I felt it through me, and I let go of the dream to melt into it.

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