Elew on Fri Oct 01, 2010 12:53 pm
Most of the time, there are so many dreams, and if I write them they are each like six pages long...so I have to pick which ones to write. There is just too much to write.
I went into sleep around 8:00 am and woke at 12:26 pm central...
There was one dream, I will leave off the first part, and begin where Nyai and I were walking into this other town area. It was the diffuse daylight, and with one long hard packed earth road, as long as the town, and there didn't seem to be other actual roads going off from it.
As we walked on this road, there was an incline, not quite a hill, but it was going towards a forest area, right at the top of this incline.
We turned off to the right, to a place there where he used to live? and going into the hallway there, it was a wooden floor that was darker wood, like a hardwood floor...and there was a window at the end with a doorway on either side of that...but right under the window, was this really huge old, very old, knarled tree roots...but they were so old, that the growth seemed to meld them together into one trunk that still had the outer shape of where the roots curved over and around each other.
The skin bark was that very dark brown, looking almost like it must be still damp from being taken out from the earth, but it was dry to touch it, and had been out from the earth for a very long while.
Nyai's place in there, where he had lived before, was to the right, through that door, and he brought me in there to see it. It was a one room place, with the bed over a ways to the right by a window there, and some sort of longer low dresser just inside of the door to the right...and it was just a closet in the wall to the left. It was a largeish room, and had the darkness in it that is relaxing, with the wooden floor and there was not really sheetrock on the walls, or any of those kinds of coverings...it was more of post and beam feeling, but not looking quite that way either. I cannot quite say what the walls were like, because they were cool and dark, with no definition, because they were not really walls.
He was showing me some things he had in there, some stones, and some other things...some things made from fabric, and I just liked the feeling in there. I had been in that feeling of this room, his place, alot of times, and I was telling him what happened when I was feeling this before...and he remembered those happenings...
But we were leaving there, to go into the forest...
And when we stepped out into the hallway again, the guy who lived in the doorway to the left was there. His skin was like the tree's skin, and when he smiled or made an expression, there were deep grooved lines in his face, like the deep groved lines between the root curves...and I knew this was his tree.
He was not there to go into his room, he was leaning/sitting on the tree there, with this chisel in his hand. And where the bumps where the smaller roots had been, he was putting the chisel on them, and when he hit it, a whole diameter circle would flake off, and what was there, right under the skin bark, was the most beautiful opal...it was deep blues and greens, with sparkles of the most vibrant reds and yellows and oranges in it...and it was in a very dark, almost black matrix stone that was so smooth.
But then he started with a big saw, to cut away slabs of the very large root in the front. Inside there was all opal, and it was as big as the inside of this tree...but to see it, when the slabs of this front root had been cut away, the swirls of blues, light blues and dark blues, had the shape of the tree rings when wood is cut...
We were just watching, and I was wondering why he wanted to cut it all apart.
Then he was taking the chisel, and going around the outside edges, like peeling the skin bark off, so that when he took off the next large slab, it would not have the skin bark around the edges.
I leaned down and picked up one of the opal skin bark strips that had fallen onto the floor, wondering that if he didn't want those edges, that maybe he would not mind if I kept one...but then I could feel that he would mind, because he was going to sell them, and even the small bits in this strip would be sold for alot of money, because it was very beautiful opal.
The skin bark strip was soft, and still flexible, because it had just been cut off, and this very big old tree roots, was still alive. I wanted to tell him, 'it is alive, and when you cut off these soft parts, they will get harder in the air...' But I knew he did not notice any of that part, and it would not do any good to try and tell him how he could feel what was this beautiful opal inside of the tree, without cutting it apart...that he could dream with this tree, and see right inside of it...but he just wanted to sell it, like a stone.
I was showing Nyai the skin bark strip, and explaining to him about opals, and how people sell them and buy them because they are beautiful, and they have to cut them apart, because they cannot see inside of them, through the skin bark. And how they make jewelry to wear bits of it on their outside. But we were not speaking with words.
I gave the guy back the skin bark strip, and then he left...and I went over and put my hand on the opal tree, to say goodbye to it, and we left there to go into the forest...
I went into sleep around 8:00 am and woke at 12:26 pm central...
There was one dream, I will leave off the first part, and begin where Nyai and I were walking into this other town area. It was the diffuse daylight, and with one long hard packed earth road, as long as the town, and there didn't seem to be other actual roads going off from it.
As we walked on this road, there was an incline, not quite a hill, but it was going towards a forest area, right at the top of this incline.
We turned off to the right, to a place there where he used to live? and going into the hallway there, it was a wooden floor that was darker wood, like a hardwood floor...and there was a window at the end with a doorway on either side of that...but right under the window, was this really huge old, very old, knarled tree roots...but they were so old, that the growth seemed to meld them together into one trunk that still had the outer shape of where the roots curved over and around each other.
The skin bark was that very dark brown, looking almost like it must be still damp from being taken out from the earth, but it was dry to touch it, and had been out from the earth for a very long while.
Nyai's place in there, where he had lived before, was to the right, through that door, and he brought me in there to see it. It was a one room place, with the bed over a ways to the right by a window there, and some sort of longer low dresser just inside of the door to the right...and it was just a closet in the wall to the left. It was a largeish room, and had the darkness in it that is relaxing, with the wooden floor and there was not really sheetrock on the walls, or any of those kinds of coverings...it was more of post and beam feeling, but not looking quite that way either. I cannot quite say what the walls were like, because they were cool and dark, with no definition, because they were not really walls.
He was showing me some things he had in there, some stones, and some other things...some things made from fabric, and I just liked the feeling in there. I had been in that feeling of this room, his place, alot of times, and I was telling him what happened when I was feeling this before...and he remembered those happenings...
But we were leaving there, to go into the forest...
And when we stepped out into the hallway again, the guy who lived in the doorway to the left was there. His skin was like the tree's skin, and when he smiled or made an expression, there were deep grooved lines in his face, like the deep groved lines between the root curves...and I knew this was his tree.
He was not there to go into his room, he was leaning/sitting on the tree there, with this chisel in his hand. And where the bumps where the smaller roots had been, he was putting the chisel on them, and when he hit it, a whole diameter circle would flake off, and what was there, right under the skin bark, was the most beautiful opal...it was deep blues and greens, with sparkles of the most vibrant reds and yellows and oranges in it...and it was in a very dark, almost black matrix stone that was so smooth.
But then he started with a big saw, to cut away slabs of the very large root in the front. Inside there was all opal, and it was as big as the inside of this tree...but to see it, when the slabs of this front root had been cut away, the swirls of blues, light blues and dark blues, had the shape of the tree rings when wood is cut...
We were just watching, and I was wondering why he wanted to cut it all apart.
Then he was taking the chisel, and going around the outside edges, like peeling the skin bark off, so that when he took off the next large slab, it would not have the skin bark around the edges.
I leaned down and picked up one of the opal skin bark strips that had fallen onto the floor, wondering that if he didn't want those edges, that maybe he would not mind if I kept one...but then I could feel that he would mind, because he was going to sell them, and even the small bits in this strip would be sold for alot of money, because it was very beautiful opal.
The skin bark strip was soft, and still flexible, because it had just been cut off, and this very big old tree roots, was still alive. I wanted to tell him, 'it is alive, and when you cut off these soft parts, they will get harder in the air...' But I knew he did not notice any of that part, and it would not do any good to try and tell him how he could feel what was this beautiful opal inside of the tree, without cutting it apart...that he could dream with this tree, and see right inside of it...but he just wanted to sell it, like a stone.
I was showing Nyai the skin bark strip, and explaining to him about opals, and how people sell them and buy them because they are beautiful, and they have to cut them apart, because they cannot see inside of them, through the skin bark. And how they make jewelry to wear bits of it on their outside. But we were not speaking with words.
I gave the guy back the skin bark strip, and then he left...and I went over and put my hand on the opal tree, to say goodbye to it, and we left there to go into the forest...
- Dec 10, 2010
So I went to look for the water content in opals...and there was this black opal, just like the one from the dream place, which was somewhere Nyai was from? and this black opal comes from Nevada...
And the one in the image here... http://webmineral.com/specimens/picshow.php?id=1367&target=Opal
It is where the fossilized tree limb, has been almost all replaced with the black opal...just like the opal tree.
These were my comments BEFORE I knew of the earthquake in Nepal:
ReplyDeleteIncubated for the Psidreamers RV event
Two possible targets: 1. The card with alien glyphs. 1.The outlook over a wavy green landscape.
Had many more dreams, forgot most of them, had to get up in a hurry. This intense one stayed, though.
I wonder how the central message of death and/ or transformation relates to my life. I'm certainly going through changes, but for now I didn't see them larger, than I can grasp. Something to ponder.
The 22nd was the first birthday of my father after his passing. We visited his grave. My grieving isn't that intense anymore. But thereafter I got so aware of my own vanity, the thought of death, the fear of death entered my life.
The 22nd also was Earth Day, I was aware, maybe part of the relations. Then I watched an episode of Dr. Who, playing on an "impossible planet" orbiting a black hole. The gravitational waves caused earthquakes.
The relation to our dreaming tribe I love the most, clearly we regularly deal with "alien" topics, with cryptic messages, with higher dimensions, death and transformation. It appears this has become second nature to me through the years. A process which passed a threshold and is now running on its own, no way of stopping it for my little self.
It is especially rewarding to see how my "knowing" self helps my "fearful" self through the process of transformation. I won't even start to tell about my everyday fears, but the strong image at the end of my dream speaks volumes...
M. writes:
I won't copy here. She sees matches on many layers, conceptually, structurally and geographically – especially considering the site of the observatory is a volcano.
The dream also is "... hauntingly reflective of my experiences..."
My comment:
"Wow, so many direct hits!
And another great weaving of day and dreams through psi.
I would have written more to how I see our dreaming is both, going for the target, and healing love through our connection. You already put it so well, M. Like in my dream I say: We are the specialists if it is for transforming dimensions. And I said this is so much larger, than I can grasp. It turned out true."
Ooops, First I wanted to post my dream, but it didn't happen... so here is the FIRST part of my comment, above you see the SECOND part :D
ReplyDeleteElew, I had a dream two days before the 2015 Nepal quake, and I believe it was precognitive. I had a similar feeling of tingling with energy, as you had with your Haiti - dreams. Also later you write of the earthquake like liquid waves in the ground, and that is how I perceived it in my dream, too.
Here is the dream, which even predicted how strong the quake ( 8 on the scala says my dream, while it was 7,8 as said in the news):
Thursday, April 23, 2015
This is the End
"It's the end of the world, as we know it, and I feel fine."
In a large building, dim lit. Military forces are fighting intruders,which seem to be of alien nature. I enter a room where two men, a scientist and a military person, are puzzled with examining a card with glyphs and more. The glyphs are written in one line. They can't decipher, and I say: Why didn't you ask us (dreamers), we dealt with this topic for many years. I take a closer look, and to me the meaning comes clear. A row of numbers relating to dimensions. While I look, larger numbers are added like this where a computer display, now the eight and I explain: "The dimensions are being transformed, and there is nothing you can do about it, now. The process passed a threshold and is running on its own. Anyway this is larger now, than I can grasp."
Next I find myself outside, standing below a part of the house looking like someone cut part of the ground floor. The first floor and more above it are somehow suspended with an architecture trick. They is hanging free.
I'm standing there with another man on my left side, and I'm expecting the dimensional changes to occur. I'm looking out over this park - like flat landscape, I can see for miles and miles- and then it starts:
The horizon bends, and the ground rises, like an enormous wave of earth approaching us. Now I see other waves behind it, a row. The building begins to shake, and I leave the area below the house, I think it won't last these gravitational waves running through it.
I tell my companion to do like me, and he looks fearful. I say: This may be the end of the world, and the end of our lives, and then it may also be the start of something better, greater."
I feel it, as the gravitation / dimensional effect runs through my whole being and bathes me in tingling energy. I become flexible, and much lighter. The waves pass, and we are still here, even the building lasted, with only a few cracks. I feel great.
End of Dream
And now the THIRD and last part of my comments:
ReplyDeleteMy comments AFTER I knew of the devastating quake in Nepal:
Sadly, I got aware today of another "match" with my "This is the End" dream. A 7.8 mag earthquake shook Nepal, over 1.400 casualties. Landslides. Thinking of my fb friend Chandra in Nepal...
how to help:
A member of the psidreamers group found: Himalaya and Mt. Everest (Nepal) may be the highest mountain, but Mauna Kea (our target pic) is the largest. Some feel not we picked the target, but the target picked us to focus our healing energies there.
Anyway, as the photographer of the target pic, you can see for miles and miles... the glyphs relate to dimensions transformed, or dimensions of transformation, and most participants in DRV interpret this as how we are transformed through our group psi dreaming. All these connections on different layers are actually "larger, than I can grasp." I wonder why, after the dream's positive end, I still kept to the title "This is the End". I had this doomsday feeling...
And on another note: My fb friend Chandra developed an equanimous stance faced with the quake and aftershocks, with helping those still alive and dealing with the sight of the deceased, like I/ we did in my dream. So this dream appears to me actually multi - dimensional, and really much larger, than I can grasp.
Ralf, thank you for sharing all of this. I had not known you had done the DRV as well.
DeleteI wonder if the others in the group did see beforehand as well...(because I have a curious mind ;)
The thing that really strikes me, is the way you followed your own feeling of fear/death/transformation...into the vibration where you could See this, which was in the same vibration.
It is something I have been paying close attention to in my dreaming...so I can learn how to see clearly beforehand (precog), and incubate precognitive dreaming.
RV and DRV I can do...and they sometimes lead to precog...but I find that following the emotion (vs an image or coordinates) will often bring me right into the event, like in the Haiti dreaming...or like the way you were in this dreaming.
I am glad your friend is okay.
For me, I find that it is usually death, major global disaster, devastating storms, serious injuries and things like this where I am drawn to see the event beforehand. It has been that way since I was small...and the more I see when others experience it, I notice it is often the same for them.
I like what your friend said too...about, the image choosing you to help lead you all to see. I call that a coinkidink :) And I think others call it serendipity? When you are energetically presented with a road map, or directions...
It is all so fascinating...thank you for sharing...