Notes by Elew on Tue Aug 10, 2010 2:26 pm
I can write some of my experiences here, and the ways that I look at
them, things I have noticed.
I have found though, that many times I don't know how to explain them in
ways that other people can understand. But when someone does
understand, it usually is because they have experienced it also.
Many of my experiences have been date stamped, by writing them in
various forums, or by emailing them to someone before they manifest
physically. But that is something I do for myself to look over the time
lapse. There are so many, that I may not recall the time lapse, or some
of the details, by the time it appears.
Sometimes I just email them to myself, for the timing.
I can include the dates, but I will not transfer the original date
stamps when I write them here. For that, I could just wait until the
next happening and use this forum for the date stamp.
Most of these happenings, I know when they happen, what they are. That
is how I know to date stamp them. I can notice by the feeling, where it
comes in, the interaction and some other things.
The feeling tends to be deeper, and it's image may have a deepness to
it, which if it is seen would be a like translucent darkness. The
feeling itself, is like looking at a sphere from the inside of it, and
noticing that the inside, is much much larger then the outside.
Where it comes in is something I notice...and if it was physical
direction, in relation to the body's eyes, some things come in from
the front left...some from the front right...some, if the fingers were put
just behind the top of the ears, and move them back and up about an
inch at a 45 angle, then notice as if there was a line between the fingers,
right in the centre of that line is another place they come in...and
sometimes it could come in from behind the body, behind the heart
Those are not actually physical, but just using the body as a point of
reference. Sometimes I am not in a body at all when they happen, but
they still come in at angles. And I notice that each angle they come
in may show different things.
The interaction also shows me things.
I have found that for me, when I am dreaming someone elses dream, or
seeing beforehand something more global, I cannot interact with it.
Even, like with the global ones, if I am walking through them in a
dreaming state, being lucid, it is very clear that I am walking
through something I am not quite a part of. It is not my dream, and no one
there sees me, or notices me in any way. If someone does, then it is usually
someone I know, who is with me in other ways, and they are not quite a
part of that seeing either.
When I can interact with things, they seem to have some direct
connection with me, or someone close with me.
There are also some subtle differences I have found in the ways things
seem to play out.
There are a few ways so far with me, but they seem to evolve.
One way is what I described in the pink stationwagon dream.
I feel something is off, and meditate into it to find out what it is.
Then I have the dream for many consecutive days, and then on the day
the dream does not happen, that is when it has manifested physically.
In these, I am watching from 'over here'...I am not interacting with
the dream at all, it is strictly what I call seeing...
Another way, can be any length of time.
These seem to come spontaneously in dreaming, but I know right away
that it is what I call a real dream. (real for lack of a better word) By
that I mean that it is based in an energy movement that is going to happen
They are usually very accurate in the details, but sometimes there can
be some analogy images. And I have to be more aware in these of what
comes from me, and what comes from others. I can explain that more
This way seems to be more 3D, and I am in the dream, it is around
me...but I still cannot interact directly with it. It is more of Seeing in 3D.
I have one long term which I can write, that took about twelve years
to happen.
And many shorter term ones. Anywhere from a day to a month or so.
Sometimes, there can be a 3D real dream, where I am in the dream, it
is around me...I can interact with it, but there are things I do not
understand until it manifests. They tend to be things about the one in
the dream, that I didn't know about them, or sometimes that they did
not know about themselves yet.
Then there are the more global ones. But as far as I know, there is not
much I could do to change them. They are lucid, and precognitive. Just
larger scale, and I notice that they have a different feeling about them
than ones where I know the person.
These seem to happen spontaneously, in the 3D way, and I only dream
them once.
Sometimes what they are showing is outside of what I may know about,
so in those cases, I notice that I fill in some of the blanks. Not with
random things, but for instance...I have not ever felt shock waves, so I
may be on the ocean with strong storms, with waves washing over the
boat. I notice the waves, but give them the image I understand.
I have a couple of clear ones like this...and the most recent has
dated posts.
And then there is time…stretching time, shrinking time, and
accordion time…
I have had a lot of experiences with time, and I suppose they could be
put in the thread section I saw for time here…but it does not seem
separate to me. Not separate from dreaming beforehand, which is also
about time.
I have dreamt into time in some ways, and also experienced non linear
time movements in the physical. I call them time glitches, or skips,
which are two different things.
I have been in a time glitch, with two other people, who then
experienced it with me.
It was a physical happening, or effected it that way, this time
glitch…and it has happened a few times with another person, who
also experienced it.
I do not feel that the various dreaming experiences can be separated
into individual compartments, like they have no thing to do with each other…
I like to keep them together, because then a bigger picture can be seen.
I have had these things happen for as long as I can remember. And when I
was small, it was actually very confusing, as to what was physical and
what was not, or what was happening in another vibration of the same
physical place, because apparently I could see both, and sometimes still
do... because I could, and do, see them overlay each other in so many ways.
With me, these things all move together, and they keep happening, so I
look into them for my own understanding.
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