Monday, May 25, 2015

Anyways...there is alot here, and there is so much more in journals, and other energetic experiences..

I have finished the year of keeping FBs fire lit...and taken some time to re-group my dreaming now onto the next phase. I am not sure what that will be yet, but I will find out I am sure ;)

I was given Judy's book Lavender a few years back, but never read it yet...I do not usually read other people's dreaming books, because of residue...but tonight I read the beginning, and up to page 3.

I have to say, I think she is the first person I ever met who actually goes into dreaming like I I might break my tradition and read her book :)

1 comment:

  1. Ralf, I have a comment box now, so it is possible that it takes a day or so after I post before the comment window appear? I am not sure...but I see it now
