Dec 28, 2005
I was having a long regular dream that was in and out of themes, and then I was at this place where I was going to look at an apartment. It was odd, like a tour in some corporate way.
There was a lady giving this tour.
I wanted to leave, so I just said, "Where is the person who owns the apartment?" But she just started talking about something else, and I was thinking, 'well, this is just a dream about some things, it's pretty annoying here' so I just turned around and left.
There was a lady giving this tour.
I wanted to leave, so I just said, "Where is the person who owns the apartment?" But she just started talking about something else, and I was thinking, 'well, this is just a dream about some things, it's pretty annoying here' so I just turned around and left.
When I turned it became twilight and I was walking into a yard of another place, but it was where I lived, it was inland with tall trees like pine of some sort, and it smelled very nice. There was a guy there who resembled a few people I know mixed in one, but I did not know him.
I asked him what he needed, and he said bracelets for his daughters. I said, ok, and went to see what I had for wire. What I found at this place, was a workbench I did not recognize, it was made from a darker wood, like cherry for some parts and cedar, with maple or mahogany. It was so cool with all of the colours and my tools were there, but there were other things.
And some of the wood was smooth and some was rough.
I almost forgot to bring wire out to the guy because the bench was really neat. But I like making jewelry in dreams, so I remembered and I took the wire out. It was this very thin wire, and there were thousands of strands already cut to length.
I showed him and said that I could braid it but I did not have a torch, and asked him if he could get one. Of course he happened to have one in his truck, which was not there, but appeared long enough to get the torch and tanks. I did not do that though.
So I was sitting outdoors with him, braiding this wire, which felt like hair, it was so soft and flexible. And there were these clouds that I kept noticing, slowly coming closer.
They were dark, and seemed to be boiling, in the sense that they were moving from the centre out, and there was a yellowish glow from the inside, like the light from a hurricane.
I said to him, "Hey, look at that, it looks like that storm is coming right here." But I like storms, so I did not get up to go indoors.
Then there was a big lightning tree, and a loud crack and fissle... the sound of something getting hit, and I felt it, and smelled the ions.
Someone was making a noise like they were hurt, so I ran over to where this house now was, that was not there before.
There were these tiny people there on the doorstep. A lady and a man. They were about 12 or 14 inches tall, and they were flat from front to back...not very flat, but not the shape of humans, but they had a head and body and limbs.
The lady had been hurt, and was not breathing. The man looked at me and asked me to help quick. And the bracelet guy said to the little man, "Go call 911"
The little man looked at him odd and said, "Are you going to sleep? This is a dream, there is no should go make sure that torch is off" and the bracelet guy left.
Then the full feeling of things came in me, and I was in that 'more lucid state'
I felt the little lady for a pulse, and the little man said, "She won't have a pulse, that is not how we are, she is unconscious, and you can help her if you stop thinking about it."
So I did, and felt what she needed, and it was like a weird form of CPR, but it would get the breathing going...and I did this with energy the way I learned, and then she coughed, like she had been under water, and I picked her up and put her on my shoulder.
When I was doing the CPR I noticed that she was soft, like if there were bones there, they were not hard like ours.
And I'm sitting on this step, with this little lady on my shoulder, and I can hear her breathing and feel her little body move with it, which is different, and I remembered another dream I had recently where I heard different rhythm breathing.
I looked at the little man and asked him, "This is real isn't it. You are real."
And he said, "Yes, of course, do you see me melting or fading? I am real, and she is real, and even that man you were with was real. But you did not ask him. He was just barely awake."
I said, "She is breathing well now, I think, but it is different than how I breath"
And then there was a voice behind me who said, "Are you sure she's breathing?" It was a man's voice, and I felt a rush of some energy I did not recognize.
I took the little lady in my hands and she had stopped breathing again, and her face was grey. The little man said loudly, "Yes, she is breathing, she has been helped, and you cannot come here"
And then the other energy behind me was gone, and the lady was breathing. I asked the little man, 'what was that?"
And he said, "She is unconscious, so she is dreaming in a different way, and her dream characters will be around. She must be dreaming that she couldn't breath. I will keep her dream characters away. If you could just hold her, she will hear us soon."
I asked him if I was in their dream, or they were in my dream, and he looked at me like I was odd...and said, "This is a dream Place. It does not belong to us, or you, we are all here, and things move differently than the way you think. We needed you, and that puts us together. You know how to call things to you in this place.
It is the same if you are here with another. If the other you were with needed something, you could call what they needed too.You just need to be very clear."
I was going to ask him about being with others here, and the little lady began to move. So he told me, "Put her here. You should go, it will frighten her to see you."
And as soon as I put her down, I woke up.
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