Monday, May 25, 2015

An Odd Shop

Jun 18, 2011

I was in an odd antique shop last night.I was doing sales, helping on a busy day...there was some sort of festival happening outdoors.
At the end of the day, I was going to do the cash out, and get the deposit ready...but before that there was something the owner wanted to do.
I shifted into this other area, where there were alot of kids, and I was in one of them, but still me. (that means it is not my dream, I am just seeing, like 3D seeing)There were six of us in this one group, and we were doing some sort of play, but the part we were doing right then, it had a song.
The stage set was sort of interesting, there were steps going up on each side, that curved up and in towards the centre part...they were made though, from bits of other places that had been brought there and pieced together for this. So some parts were metal, and some parts wood, and then behind where people could not see there were some flat parts like platforms.
It reminded me of this other place, a funhouse like place where I have dreamt before. And after going through the fun house there, it goes into an antique shop where this one guy is there.
But in this place, we were in costume, or in clothes that seemed in costume to me. Me and the kids split into three of us on each side, and we were singing a song in two parts. The song was not in english, I don't know what the language was. But the other three kids started walking up one side, while we started walking up this side...and then at the top we could go by each other and down the steps, and then by each other in front of it, and then up the steps again. So I was like two circles moving, but they weave together on the top and the bottom.
At the same time as we were singing this song, in two parts, that were different, but would also weave together.
I cannot write all of the details, or it would be a book.
But after this song, and play...then I went back to do the days books for the shop, and that is what the owner has done...he had put most of the days money for these kids. There was only a small bit left, so I found a way to make it fit, in a way that he could have it be in one of each coin from there. It was a different kind of money too, but the coins were beautiful. They had beautiful old designs on them, and there was one that seemed smaller than a dime even. They were goldish coloured, but one of them was silverish, and one seemed more like bronze maybe...but it could have been oxydized gold. There were four coins though, and each one was different.
I put one of each of them into the envelope that was for the day's end money...but there was a feeling with it. The coins did not feel like ordinary coins.

I noticed there were two envelopes there though. I felt that there would be a second day of the festival. They were like the 9X11 yellowish kind of envelopes, so that the daily money sheets could go into them and not get bent.
But then I had shifted more into another place, so I was not there for the second day.
It could be interesting to go back.

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