Saturday, May 23, 2015

The Greenstone Man - Finding Barrettes

Jun 3, 2007

Last night, I was in many regular dreams. 

I was in them, and watching them happen. 

I like that space, to be in it sometimes, because it shows me things about what is going on physically. 

Not just what is going on, but the ways I feel about it that I may not want to look at, or am so used to feeling? that I walk by stepping over a sidewalk curb...unnoticed. 

There were people from a few of the little lifetimes, there together. And people I don't know, like tourists. 

First I was in this very large warehouse looking store. There were piles of clothing on shelves. I was walking down along the ends of the isles, and the feeling was of a grocery store, the humidity and lighting. It did not smell and feel like it was what it was. 

Apparently, I needed to find a pair of jeans. I was looking for where the size would be, and then I noticed some people there who I worked with at the pre-school. 

They did what they would do physically, being over helpful. 'There are some down here...and what size, and these may fit'...but I was going to find them another way, by feeling where they were. 

I walked away from these people, and kept on with finding them. I did find some, but of course they were these interesting kids jeans. 
The only ones that would fit? they had words over them, with bright pictures of fruit, and they were this light lime colour. I was holding them up, looking at them, and it was so funny. 

I was thinking of someone I know, that they may find it funny too. I was just laughing, because even when they fit? they don't fit. 

I turned to leave that place, that quick turn, and then I was in another place. 

It was outdoors, and daylight. Where the light is so bright it hurts the eyes. At first I was in me, and it took a moment to 'step back' to watch. 

I was standing on very dry, dusty earth. A building was to my front left, and it was the same building from another place I had been, a water place. But this time it was over imposed with this new place. 

There were two women, who felt like tourists. They were going into a door, and I could hear dryers, like a laundry room for a place where rooms are rented, but even with the dryness, it felt like a water place. And it seemed like this laundry room at the docks, where people who live on boats can go. 

I just felt that what the women were seeing, it was not what it was. They did not even notice me there. That contradiction, when people are in the same place, and yet they are not the same place. There is a behind the scenes. 

I walked along this dusty dirt road, till there were trees. And a path off to the right. 

When I stepped onto the path, there was moisture and the lighting moved into the light darkness. Daylight, but in an earth way. 

I knew the path. It is one I find to leave the dream, into a dream walk. 

In that other movement, that is like distance folding, I was just there, partway down the path, sitting with someone. 

We were on the right side of the path, and they were a shadow who I could see. They knew I could see them, and smiled. He had brownish skin, and sparkly eyes, the way they dance inside? 

We were facing each other, about a foot or two away. It was like the near distance though. 

The row of dark trees were there, on either side...they curve over the top till their branches and leaves form a tunnel, but they are just tall enough for me to walk under, and now when I was sitting with him, they were lower even, not far over our heads, but he was not much bigger then me. 

By my right side, there were these shelves? The trees were there, but it was double, and there were things on the shelves, but I was seeing the backs of the things. 

I looked at him to see if he saw this, and he just kept smiling, and he sort of tilted his head, for me to look further. I knew what he meant, and let myself split off, to see what was there. 

There were other people, one of the pre-school teachers, and her friend. And the barbie garden people, and all of their kids. And it was like filtered sunlight, but I knew they were seeing it as a sunny day. 

They were doing something social, like a cook out, or party. Maybe both, because there were some of those plastic party type toys that people give to other kids at birthdays and things. 

But everything was plastic toys. They were using them as if they were actual things, like cooking food on a toy grill, and on the shelves were these whitish plastic toy kitchen things. 

One on the shelves was a toy dryer. The barbie garden father had put it there, because it worked better than the smaller toy one. I could hear it working. 

I was moving around there, not walking, because I was not in a body, and no one could see me. 

But then there was a ____, and for a few moments I was in a body, and I was sitting on this short cement wall, near the pre-school teacher. I am not sure that she saw me, because she did not respond to my being there. 

I saw there were these green plastic things, the flash, freeze frame thing happened, and in the close-up it was kids headbands, with this plastic crown like thing on top, and bright green. Two of them, one over the other. And two barrettes, one on either side. 

The pre-school teacher picked them up, and brought them over to this table, but I knew that was what I was there for. I was not sure why, but I could feel that there was something about them, and the close-up. 

So I went to where they were, and it was the barrettes, I could feel them, and they were not plastic, even though they looked like they were. 

When I picked them up, I saw from the other angle, the way images happen...that the shadow guy had put them there, I saw him do this, as soon as I touched them. 

And I was back again, on the path still sitting with the guy? But I had the barrettes in my hands, and they were carved stone, the greenstone. 

I did not understand something about this. I knew he put them there, to see if I could find them...but I didn't know why. And he seemed so happy that I had found them? I felt like he would bounce out of himself. 

He just was smiling, and then when I wondered why? He sort of chuckled, and hugged me. 

These greenstone people hug me alot, you know. 

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