Aug 6, 2011
I was in this odd very slightly lucid space kentun tuka (last night).
In one part, this girl was walking down the street, and she had on these white crochet slipper like shoes...but one of them had an extra part on the side, like a side car...and she had apparently had a baby, and it was in that part.
The baby was very small, and I wondered why she would put it in there like that.
She was not paying attention the baby at all...but there were other people taking pictures of her. Sort of walking along after her, they were like a camera crew or something, she was some sort of famous person.
But I was watching that slipper shoe side car with the tiny baby in it, flopping along as she walked, and it was almost too odd for me to remember.
Another part I had a bloody nose. That was interesting. I never had a bloody nose in a dream before. There were some other people around, and they wanted me to do something, or were waiting for me to...and I was like, 'well, I kind of have a bloody nose right now"
But I actually wanted to look at the blood, and notice if it looked like blood does physically, and it was not quite the same.
And then another part, there was the girl again, the side car shoes one...and she was in this area where there was some trees and things, it was outdoors, but like the drainage areas, so there were trees even though it was like suburbia...
There was a fenced off part, and she fell into that. It was pretty deep, but it was not seeing her get hurt, it was just seeing her slip and fall into that.
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