Saturday, May 23, 2015

The Wheel of Time

Jul 4, 2005

This was a very indepth dream, but I was woken by my kids who wanted to play 20 questions :)
All I held was this;
There were 3 really large wheels floating in this black space. They were turning in different directions and they kept changing colours but were mostly orange gold. Their meaning was explained to me, but I just can't remember all of it yet. The one on the left was the wheel of life, the center one was the wheel of time, and the one to the right I can't recall. It was really important though. Something was being explained to me.
These wheels were not solid, but seemed made of liquid air mixed with light. Like if you put your hand into them they would shimmer, and you may feel the substance, but they were not solid. They looked like a disc, not a wheel with spokes at all. And there was a pattern showing through them, but as the wheel turned the pattern didn't move even though it was part of the substance of the wheel.

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