Saturday, May 23, 2015

Carbonation Light Bubbles

Oct 2, 2006

I was on that path I sometimes go to, it is in the forest, and as it goes there is water to the right, but then there is another path which goes to the right.
I still have not gone to see what is there, but it goes to the water...but the path keeps going because from a little bit further, I can go to the water and see that it goes right through where the path would be. But looking down the path, it keeps going...
I don't know how I get there, but it is just like here, to feel things physically...or not, but it is...except I know because of the crispness and because of the way the energy feels so much more. I can feel everything before I touch it in a different way then here. And to touch something, it would be the difference of touching a q-tip or a pin. Not that it hurts, but the____
It is just a super sensitive place.
So I went to this place by the water, and the water is dark, with the moon reflections on it, but there is no moon.
Then there were these bubbles or colour, but not very bright...translucent, and they were all around me, and it felt like I must be in carbination, I could feel them that way.
And then there was this filmy energy, but it was hard to see, and as I could see it more, I could tell that the little bubbles were part of it, but not. I was trying to see the movement.
They were sort of absorbing the filmy energy, but I could only see that if I looked a certain way, to let my vision shift enough. Not as if they were attached, but more like light moving backwards. So it would appear that the bubbles were the source of the light but it was actually the film, and as the bubbles absorbed it, then it became concentrated so they seem to have that soft glow.
I touched one bubble with my hand, and there was sound in it, but it was like hearing that way it happens as if through a vacuum funnel.
And then they were gone.
I sat down to go over it, and I was looking at the water, and felt like I would like to go into it and I did, but it was floating through it.
I could feel the movement, and let myself melt into it..and after a while, I woke up physically.
I am not sure what it was, but then today, everything has that soft feeling, where solid things don't feel solid, even walking, there keeps being moments where I can feel the solid bend, I can feel both, my foot touch the ground, but part of me could almost go through, and it feels like stepping on a marshmallow.
It is like doing energy work, or play, when I can move my inside self without moving my physical self...except it is just happening, and then I have to smile from how it feels.

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