Monday, May 25, 2015

Another kind of Food Dreaming

Apr 18, 2011

I was in the dunes, or someplace like them, but it was a sand clearing, with trees around it, and bushes and other plants.

It was very dark, like in the layers, and around the edges of the darkness there was no sound, like a darkness cave.

There were some stones and I had made them into a circle and made a fire in it, and I was cooking something when I became aware seemed like a bunny, and it smelled very good.
But just when I took it out from the fire, it was a very big black cat...a panther cat was right there, and it was hungrier then me, so I slowly moved back from it so it could eat the bunny.

I didn't go away from it, only over next to the fire, and I just stayed there, and untangled my hair, and started to clean my arms and face and things like cats would do, and it was eating, and watching me.
I could feel it's energy calm, and so I layed down, and it came over and smelled me, and touched my hand with it's paw, but it didn't hurt me, or feel like it would.

Then it went a little bit away and layed down too and started cleaning itself.

Things shifted though, and I could see and feel the big cat up in a tree, and I was down over behind some tallish thick bushes, and there was a deer hiding in there, it was hiding from the cat...but I spooked it out, and the cat jumped down onto it and killed it, to eat.

But it only ate half of it, and then it walked away some over to the fire there, and I went slowly over towards the deer, watching the cat...but it just looked at me, and kept on cleaning said something to the deer, and I cleaned the skin off of the other side, and the antlers and the hooves, and the other deer meat to cook.
I could clean the skin and tack it up, and when the other meat was cooked, then I put a piece for the big cat too.
It let me come right over next to it to bring it, and I was sitting with this big cat eating deer meat.

It let me come right next to it, and I put my hand over and it let me touch it's head, to scratch the ears, and it liked that...and it let me touch between it's eyes. And then it thumped it's paw foot on my arm, but not with claws, it was just doing that. and started licking my face to clean it.
It had a rough tongue, but that was alright.

Then things shifted again, and I was going down this hill with another hill just ahead of me, and another something big tried to jump on me, growling and not very nice...and the big black cat sort of jumped out of nowhere, and was yelling at the other one, and it didn't hurt it, but it ran away...and the black cat started purring really loudly, and I woke here.

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