Sunday, May 24, 2015

Global Waves - Haiti Precog

This is rather long, but I included each part that I originally posted, as the events played out. These dates were all time stamped, but I did not realize how soon after the dream it would happen, or how accurate this dead people dream really was, until it began to show...and then it was that eerie non physical liquid wind feeling. The one that washes over from the head downward, and prickles up all the hairs on the neck and arms and back? 

It is obviously a global one.

1-1-10 Dead People Dream

I was on a boat I used to be on sometimes, the Victory II from Cape Cod, but it was not really that boat...

I was on the deck, and I was holding onto the rail, just standing there, watching. I knew it was not my dream. There was a nor'easter, and the waves were so big, the boats top rail was almost going under them, they were washing over the deck...

And all these people were dead bodies. Not just on the boat...for a while I was on shore, and they were all around...and then I was back on the boat, and they were everywhere.

They were in positions, like they were in the middle of doing something, and just died there. And there was a middle area, with the bodies all around, and while I was walking through there, I could smell them even, that smell.
And there were too many bodies for anyone alive still to move them, because there was only a few alive people. And they were not in the same place as me, they didn't even notice me.

I didn't want to stay there, so I went to find the bathroom, (I use them like a portal when I am in other people's dreams) but I was slipping in and out of it some, so when I found it, I was going in to go pee, and there was one alive guy outside the door, so when I went in, I locked it. Not a lock like in house doors, it was one of the little slide locks, because it was a plywood sort of door, with no regular that was the way to close it and not have it open in the waves.

But when I turned around, in the corner there was a pile of dead people bodies, and there was a sheet over the first part of them, and then more on top of that. And I felt like the people alive still had maybe tried to move them at first, but where could they get put, on a boat?
And the was so much, in that small space.

But I had to go pee anyways, so I went to, and when I sat down on the toilet there to go pee, then this spider climbed on my leg, and kept touching my leg, like moving it's foot there, and it made me think of someone...

I could feel them, and then looking around this boat, I wondered what it was, and why I was there, because it was someone elses dream. It was this hugest contrast, and it was so huge, that it was almost hard for me to feel all the space inbetween it.
So I started to speak softly to the spider, and it stayed there, it didn't go away...

For a moment then, I was on the deck again, and the waves...and there were two alive girls there. But I was still talking to the spider, because it stayed on my leg...I had a skirt on, so it could.

And then I woke here...but I have not been in a dead people dream for so long. If I was small enough, I would have hugged the little spider.

I will probably be over here with the spider, because I am not so interested in being around all these other people trying to come to some understanding of their fear of death.

I can do it sometimes, and other times, it is too overwhelming. I can feel their fear.

And that is why I left the leaf.

I have been going to the warm water springs since I was small, and I didn't ask for others to come there, but there they were.

Something about these springs, when those oozing fears are left in them, they still get dreamt...


I found myself there. Over to the right, running my fingers over the small leaves around me. And hearing them.

I could feel, someone, more of them...

For a few moments. 'show her where it is'....

I felt the wind inside, and went into it...there was someone I was going with. So I went to find him. 


People pulled bodies from collapsed homes, covering them with sheets by the side of the road. Passersby lifted the sheets to see if a loved one was underneath. Outside a crumbled building the bodies of five children and three adults lay in a pile.

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The president, in his first interview since the earthquake, said the country was destroyed and he believed there were thousands of people dead but was reluctant to provide a number.

"We have to do an evaluation," Préval said, describing the scene as "unimaginable. " 

"Parliament has collapsed. The tax office has collapsed. Schools have collapsed. Hospitals have collapsed," he said. "There are a lot of schools that have a lot of dead people in them." Among those trapped inside the Parliament building but still alive was the president of the Haitian Senate, Kely Bastien.

Préval said he had traveled through several neighborhoods and seen the damage. "All of the hospitals are packed with people. It is a catastrophe, " he said.

According to media reports, survivors were digging through the rubble and stacking bodies along the streets of Port-au-Prince, Haiti's capital, 

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Préval said he has not slept since the earthquake. Other people slept in the streets because they were afraid to sleep in their homes, he said.

"This is a catastrophe, " the first lady, Elisabeth Préval, said. "I'm stepping over dead bodies. A lot of people are buried under buildings. The general hospital has collapsed. We need support. We need help. We need engineers." 

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``Just about all the lights are out in Port-au-Prince, '' he said Tuesday. ``People still screaming but the noise is dying as darkness sets. 

Lots of rumors about which buildings were toppled. The Castel Haiti behind the Oloffson is a pile of rubble. It was eight stories high. Our guests are sitting out in the driveway.''

Women covered in dust crawled from the rubble wailing as others wandered through the streets holding hands. Thousands gathered in public squares late into the night singing hymns. Many gravely injured people still sat in the streets early Wednesday, pleading for doctors. With almost no emergency services to speak of, the survivors had few other options.

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said he was ``sitting in Port-au-Prince watching the mountain crumble.''

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"There are too many people who need help ... We lack equipment, we lack body bags," 

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Death was everywhere in Port-au-Prince. Bodies of tiny children were piled next to schools. Corpses of women lay on the street with stunned expressions frozen on their faces as flies began to gather. Bodies of men were covered with plastic tarps or cotton sheets.

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I'll be going with the little spider.


I don't know anyone there physically. It just gets surreal.


Hard-pressed recovery teams resorted to using bulldozers to transport loads of dead.


But the silence of the dead otherwise was overwhelming in a city where uncounted bodies littered the streets in the 80-degree heat, and dust-caked arms and legs reached, frozen and lifeless, from the ruins. Outside the General Hospital morgue, hundreds of collected corpses blanketed the parking lot, as the grief-stricken searched among them for loved ones. Brazilian U.N. peacekeepers, key to city security, were trying to organize mass burials.

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Small groups by roadsides could be seen burying dead. Other dust-covered bodies were being dragged down streets, toward hospitals where relatives hoped to leave them. Countless remained unburied, stacked up, children's bodies lying atop mothers, tiny feet poking from blankets. 

The injured, meanwhile, waited for treatment in makeshift holding areas — outside the General Hospital, for example, where the stench from piles of dead, just a few yards (meters) away, wafted over the assembled living. Crews began removing unclaimed bodies with bulldozers, dumping them into trucks, possibly for mass burial.


Waves in the earth, when the earth becomes liquid, is not something I have felt before.

Maybe something else could become apparent.

I saw the plywood door physically yesterday. It is a door to the bathroom, of the one the spider reminded me of. I knew I was trying to leave that dream, and somehow he found me.


In the sparsely populated wasteland of Titanyen, north of Port-au-Prince, burial workers on Wednesday said the macabre task of handling the never-ending flow of bodies was traumatizing.

"I have seen so many children, so many children. I cannot sleep at night and, if I do, it is a constant nightmare," said Foultone Fequiert, 38, his face covered with a T-shirt against the overwhelming stench.

The dead stick out at all angles from the mass graves — tall mounds of chalky dirt, the limbs of men, women and children frozen together in death. "I received 10,000 bodies yesterday alone," said Fequiert.

Workers say they have no time to give the dead proper religious burials or follow pleas from the international community that bodies be buried in shallow graves from which loved ones might eventually retrieve them.

"We just dump them in, and fill it up," said Luckner Clerzier, 39, who was helping guide trucks to another grave site farther up the road.

An Associated Press reporter counted 15 burial mounds at Clerzier's site, each covering a wide trench cut into the ground some 25 feet deep, and rising 15 feet into the air. At the larger mass grave, where Fequiert toiled, three earth-moving machines cut long trenches into the earth, readying them for more cadavers.

Others struggle to stem the flow of the dead.

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That one was not so fun.
But it shows the sequence very well, how it happens, and how it unfolds in physical ways...

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