Saturday, May 23, 2015

Baby Furby Girl

Elew on Thu Aug 26, 2010 9:44 pm 

I layed down for a nap, around noon. The alarm I had set for 1:00 because I just wanted to rest for a while…but then right before 1:00 I woke, and re-set it for 1:30…because I was just going into a dream. Central time.

I was in a room with Cochitlehua, very much like the one we were in here, and I was sleeping next to him, just the same as here, on the same bed, in the same area of the room…

Only in the dream it was a larger room, and there was no wall between where our bed was and where the door to the bathroom was. It was more of one large room, but the areas were the same, without all the walls.
I had started hearing this sound, like an odd breathing…I put my head up, to see if it was the rat, a little stuffed rat that was up by our heads, but it was not him…and then I looked over by the wall, and noticed another small furby there.

It had its face into a pillow, and I could tell by the way it was moving, that it was the one doing that breathing.
Cochitlehua had sat up by then, because as soon as I looked up he did, to look around. He reached over to the little furby and turned it around so it could breath better…It was greyish, with a yellow bit of fur around it's neck, and some pink. It started turning it's head, and it said, `Hey, Wa! Loop-de-loop!'

Cochitlehua was smiling at it by now, and I was too, I couldn't help it even. I said to it, `you can turn your head?' and it said, `yeah.'
Cochitlehua had listened to it though, when it said loop-de-loop, and he had remembered this little blue plastic monkey toy, that when he turned the white wind up part, then it would slowly bring it's arms down in front of itself, and push off to do a flip, and keep doing that until it had to be wound up again. I had not remembered that toy, but I wanted to hug him, because he did.

But then the little other furby got up, it was changing, and some form of arms and legs were there…it went over to Cochitlehua all excited, saying, `loop-de-loop…loop-de-loop'
And it was making Cochitlehua laugh softly.

He had found this whole box of toys that I noticed had been one of my kids, like a cardboard box, and after taking out some larger fabric things from the top, that is where the little blue plastic monkey was…and by now I had moved over so I was sitting on the floor on the other side of the box, closer to our bed, and he was over closer to where the bathroom door was.

We watched the little fuby girl, because she was clearly becoming a girl baby…the arms and legs were becoming more flesh like, although the body was still furbyish, with the fur and all. But we watched her get up and run into the bathroom, just looking around, like curious…
And then she came back to the box, standing at the end of it, she was small. The box was only about eight or ten inches tall, and only her head showed over the end of it. And she looked at Cochitlehua and said, `Awww, me huuungry!'

He looked at me seeming uncertain for a moment, but then he saw there was two empty bottles in the toy box, so he went and got his soy milk, and filled up one of them for her.
By the time he came back and sat down to fill up the bottle, her head was like a little human head, not a furby head anymore. And the pink there had turned into something like a bonnet, or hood with something on its edges, like scalloped.

He gave her the bottle, and she started drinking it, apparently liking it very much…and then he got up and walked over next to me, and I don't remember his exact words, but it was like, `This makes me consider the life of inanimate objects…it's kind of scary even.'
As he walked over to the door, the one that went outdoors…he went over by a window there, and seemed to be considering that…she was poking the fabric things on the top of the toys, because they were back on there. So I took them off, and I said, `oh, what things are in here?'…

I saw a small clump of the little monopoly pieces, the silver playing ones…which all of my kids had those, not the game, just all of those silver figures. But I noticed that these were different ones, not from the original game.

I picked up one, and said what they were…'a baby'…and she smiled and put out her hand for it. 

Her little human flesh hand, but it was still not all the way formed yet. It looked just like a hand, but it was sort of stubby, and seemed like the fingers may not move yet. Like it was still a sort of solid hand even though I could see the finger parts.
`Scissors…'…and she put out her hand again.
Then she leaned over closer to me, over the box, and smiled, and crunched up her nose in that way little baby kids do…it was very cute.
And then the alarm woke me here ?
And I told Cochitlehua what had happened. And he told me his dreams too.

Cochitlehua on Thu Aug 26, 2010 3:53 pm
I went over a house with some guy I knew in the dream, which I don't know physically.
There was a lady there, light skinned, middle weight, medium brown, short hair.
She had several kids playing around on the floor, and she sat at a table and there were small toys on it.
I had brought this board game, and had opened it on the table, but then we were going to leave, so I was trying to get everything from the board game back in the box. There were these little metal figures, animals, like they have in monopoly, that I felt had come with the game, but was not sure. I asked the lady if they were her kid's toys, because their toys were spread all over the table too. She kind of nodded, like she wasn't sure, I asked her again, and felt like, even if they were mine, if she felt they wee hers, I would give them without objection. But she just shrugged again.
I then asked the guy I came with, he was shorter than me, light skinned, and had short buzzed light brown hair.
He just shrugged also.
I said, a little annoyed, "How could you not be sure?"
So I put the figures in the game cups and put them in the game.

Baby Furby Girl update
Elew on Mon Sep 27, 2010 6:09 pm
I just spoke with my daughter a few moments ago, and she had an ultrasound today.

Her Dr. said he is 99% sure the baby is a Girl. 
I asked her to send me the dated ultrasound image...

She asked me, 'why are you so excited to find out what the Dr said? I already know that when you see it in your dream, then it's going to end up being that way. You know that too...I already told everyone that you dreamt it was a girl.'

I am wondering though, if that is considered precognitive, because yes, I dreamt it before it could be seen...but the baby was already there, just unseen, and too small for the doctors to determine the gender with an ultrasound.

1 comment:

  1. Nyai had also dreamt, and one of the stronger memories in his dream was of a game, and there were monopoly pieces.

    Between my dream, and his, I knew these were important, but I just didn't know exactly why.

    I originally went into this dreaming, because my daughter asked me if I could see in dreaming, if her baby would be a boy or girl...but there was alot more seen.

    She was born 2 months early, and needed to be intubated...she was not much over 2 lbs, just a tiny little thing, not much bigger than a furby actually...and not fully formed.

    As she grew, we found very quickly that she could not tollerate dairy, so had to have a soy based diet...

    and the monopoly pieces...she was not with us for very long. She crossed just before her second birthday. I might have understood that part of the dream, but at the time I didn't.

    She was a sweet, and brilliantly manipulative baby. Very smart...I am glad we had the chance to know her.
