This was someone elses memory. A woman in a dreaming group...we had a strained connection, and it happened that I dreamt her memory fear...that can happen sometimes where I dream someone elses dreams or fears. I don't mean to, and I don't even know who the dream belongs to. They usually tend to get very very upset with me...
Dec 12, 2006
This, strange to me, house, with two floors.
It was empty feeling, no other people...and dark like night time.
I don't recall much as I am in there, but there is this odd light, as if shining in from outdoors.
It had the feeling of death, not my death, but being alone, with people just outside - in a dead place?
I went outdoors, into this yard, with trees which were not trees...they were other rectangles. I could not feel them, this place was not alive.
My music child was there, coming down the stairs indoors.
I could feel her fear. She turned on the light, and was looking out to see what was there.
I shown this tiny bluish light to the window, so she would not be afraid of me. She saw it, and nodded, as if, 'oh, ok, it's mom', and then dismissed the feeling...but it was there.
I went indoors, and I could feel it all around - this shell of death feeling, like murder, with the terror still in the boards.
There were two brown cardboard boxes, like 1 ft square, with so much clear packing tape on them.
I was picking them up, and thinking to tell my MC that when there is fear of something/one outdoors at night, don't turn on the light...all it does is show you to them and hide them from you, keep it dark, so things are clear.
As I was thinking, I knew she was not there, but there was a car pulling into the driveway, which was around the corner from the door...and it had the strange light from the begining of the dream, at an angle. I saw it and knew it was the dream coming around on itself, a memory dream.
The hollow feeling was not only death in the boards, but the person not there yet - I saw the light before they came, but it was there before me.
I was not afraid of them, it was that someone elses light, shining in the dark, at that angle...I was not quite afraid even then, it was feeling the fear around me.
I knew that angle, and that feeling, and I remembered where, in the dream...
That was the houses dream - it was in the walls there, all around the couch where I slept, and came out as the cars went by. I could feel the dead people, driving by in those empty cars...their light moving across at the angle...
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