Saturday, May 23, 2015

Leaking Dreams

sometime 2006

I was in this stream of regular dreams with times of being lucid, and they kept leaking.
For a while I was with this girl who I don't recognize.

We went to this one room, which was freestanding like a building. There was something broken inside, and so I went in to fix it. It turned out to be my old bosses place where he lived and worked, but there was no jewelry tools around.

There was a leak and water was dripping in, but he had things in the way. I knew he was not alive any more, so I figured I should fix it.

The girl did not think it could be done, and kept giving me reasons why I could not  fix it, but I just told her that I could. And I went in.

I followed the leak into another dream. The girl was still with me, but she was older, like a grandmother with white hair is the way she looked, but it was still her because I could feel her. This room was like a thrift shop/crafts fair. There were tables around, and shelves on the walls.

I noticed there were these ladies with tables in the back, they had books on them, and they were crowding the isle to walk through. But before them, there were these shelves, and there was a blanket on one top shelf which had purples and blues, like a woven blanket.

It looked big, but when I picked it up, it was small. And it was this natural brown colour, and very soft...only the stripe of colour was down the middle. The lady who wove it, she looked at me, and she held up the blanket, and she said, "It is just the right size for you to dream with", and I remembered that I was looking for the leak.
Then I was outdoors with the girl and I was still looking for the leak. There was a place I had to go into for something I cannot was something to fix the leak, and I went in.

There were these boxes in there. They had things in them which appeared as old toys. I had never seen these toys, but I knew they were not toys, they were memories, or the parts of memories that needed to be let go of, but I did not like them.

I was looking at them, knowing I had already gotten rid of them, but there they were, like lifeless toys.
I felt this feeling when I was holding them. It made me remember this thing that would happen when I was at someone elses house. This feeling of pressure, where I was in some 'normal' place, but it felt if it were a bubble that would break and then I would see...

I remembered this one place where I was in some kids room, and they had a hampster in a cage. There were these orange tubes with ridges where it could crawl through. And I remembered looking at the hampster knowing it was only happy because it never knew about being outdoors. And I would let it out, so I could not go to that house any more, but I didn't know why then.

And I remembered this game they had, with a picture of a person, and these shaped pockets with fake bone pieces in them, and they would take them out, but if the edges got touched it would make a loud buzzing noise. I could not stand it, the noise it made, or the game.

And it was the afternoon sun would be that light there, and I could see the little things floating all around, maybe dust.

But the memories from that place were in this doll which felt slimey and heavy...and the feeling on my hands...I have no words for it.

When I came out, there was this guy who I know there. He thought I was just going in, and told me that I may not want to, because of the dog. I had not seen a dog. He said it was dangerous, and it would really hurt anyone who went in.

When I looked, it was there. This very big black wolf, but scruffy as if it had been wet. I could not understand why he was telling me that it would hurt me, when I knew it would not. I had already been in there, and it didn't. So I went over and met the wolf, and it was at first growling, but I knew it was not the sort of growl when it would hurt me, so I sat with the wolf to scratch him...

He was laying on a box, and he did that thing, looking at me with one eye so his eyebrow goes up on one side? And he had one of those sighs where it lets out tension. I put my head on him, was hearing his breath. 

Then I was in this open grass place, it sort of had a hill, but more of an incline. There were trees along the sides. And there was this pool, but not a swimming one, it was made from some sort of fabric which would hold water. It was only about half a foot tall but it had an odd shape.

It had been painted with some strange paint. But I was filling it with water, and the paint was coming off as I filled it. 

Then there was this other guy there...and he saw that the side had collapsed in one place...and I saw the water going out over the I fixed that...

Then there were waves like the ocean...because of the pools position on the hill, the water was making these waves. They got to be pretty strong waves too. Like 3 to 4 ft waves in this half foot pool.

Then I was looking at the pool, and I wondered if it was supposed to leak. That maybe the water was not supposed to be held in there...I knew that when the water ran out of the pool, it was dripping through the earth there, right into the other dreams.

26-Jun-06 09:23 PM

Wed night I had a stream of regular/sometimes lucid dreams.

The thing was, I was following a leak...water was flowing through from place to place.

One place had these boxes of toys which I did not recognize. And in one box, there was a doll.

It was about two and a half feet long, and it was like soft vinyl, but as if it were filled with cotton that was saturated with water.

It felt slimey the way vinyl does when it has been in water for a length of time, and it was heavy.

At the moment, in the dream, I felt that these toys were not really toys, but were memories. And I remembered some hidden memories from when I was small, from times in the afternoon sun.

They were memories of moments when I felt that life as people lived it was not real.

I was thinking in the dream, that I remembered getting rid of those memories, and yet there they were.

Even though they were there, in my hands they felt lifeless, and the doll...I could not describe what it felt like, the feeling on my hands.

There was more to the dreams that I won't get into...

But then Friday, I was told that a three year old boy who I know drown on Wed afternoon.
I did not see this clearly while I was in the dream, or after, and I know why...

There was a girl there from the beginning, telling me that I could not fix the leak, but I kept trying to find it so I could. 

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