Sunday, May 24, 2015

Gorilla and the green water place - this is an older experience

Tuesday, March 20, 2007 8:25 PM
This was sort of serious...It had that not my dream feeling to it, but...
I was standing on something, maybe a wall, or roof.
In front of me, everything was lower, like I was there watching.
There was a 9' deep pool, it did not have a number, I heard it in that way, with a kids shallow pool behind it. The part which separated it was a smooth, curved topped wall, painted like the pool. And the water was green, in the blue pool, but tidal green.
Around it were these buildings, they were maybe connected, in an L shape.
There were some in the shallow pool, and they were, one at a time, sort of rolling over the edge, into the deeper pool. Somehow, someone was telling me about it, a woman, maybe near me. It was some sort of baptizing thing they were doing. It was a place for that. And they were sort of flopping over the side, but they seemed very happy. They were doing it again and again.
Then, from behind the building, there came up a very huge gorilla, as tall as the building, with a jet pack on, and some space like suit of whitish fabric, which was like coveralls.
He came floating up behind the building, and over the top of it. Then jetted over to the top of the L shape roof, to the right. And he sat down on it.
When he did, then he had on this vest instead of the whitish thing, and it was like a crossing guard vest, yellow, with the orange borders and cross stripes. And still the jet pack.
He was watching this, the people, and he crossed his arms, and sort of shook his head. Like he didn't get what they were doing that for. There was a feeling from him, that the pool was something beyond what it was.
I wanted to go up there and touch him, and then I was down on the ground, and this woman was telling me about a girl inside the building.
They were all trying to get her to come out, because they thought that the baptizing thing would make her better, but she would not do it.
And then she did come out, and came over by me, and she seemed like she was about ready to die.
She asked me to take her away from that place. And the people were trying to get her to go into the water.
But it felt like something else. And I looked at the gorilla, and he was just looking at me.
I didn't know what to do, because it felt somehow backwards. It was sort of like, if she did what those people wanted, then she would only seem alive, there, but I knew it wasn't actually alive, somehow.
But then I looked at her and felt it was just about which way? she wanted to go.
I did not know quite what it meant, but I just hugged her, and then something happened, a movement, but I don't recall.
It did not seem like the people even noticed this huge gorilla, sitting on the roof, now that I look back...because they did not stop what they were doing.
The woman telling me things, did not say anything about him either. I did not see her though, she was a voice sort of behind me, I am not even sure which side she was on.
It was the strangest feeling, to be there, and things not seeming how they were. I don't know where it was, but it felt like someplace someone would stay.
That it could be nice, if they did not want to leave, because there was a forgetting about it there.


Unknown to me, Nyai had gotten a stuffed white gorilla, with a vest on...and he had it at work ;)

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