Sunday, May 24, 2015

Fukushima Dreaming with Ralf

Unfortunately I cannot find the entire thread saved anywhere...and the IASD forum seems to have been wiped clear, so maybe if Ralf has his dreams saved, I can add them in...without his half it is only a little bit of what happened...

I will keep looking, I hope I have the entire thread saved...

Before this dream, I had written this...

Wed Mar 23, 2011 9:18 pm
So I was going to go into dreaming, to pour the clear suspension liquid over the soil there, and find out what happens. 

Like one of those polymer gel face masks? They attach to the stuff in the pores and then sort of suck it out? Like seems to absorb the radiation.


A baby and an Onion

Thursday, March 24, 2011, 4:54 AM

I was walking into this house that was very dim inside...

The walls were cracked, and some plastic taped over a part that the daylight was coming in through, that whitish daylight with no sun.
The kitchen area was over to the right, with a sink, and on the counter there was a green onion growing in this short sort of wide pot.
But there was two parents there with a small baby, and the baby was ill.

We had this clear goop that we were smoothing over the baby, over all of the soft places with organs inside...and over the neck and head. It became like a film, and it started to bubble, with little tiny bubbles, but then we had to take it off, so we did that.
And I did the clearing bubble around the baby, the one with the swirling rainbow colours, like a soapy bubble.

But I was looking around then, and it was so heavy there. I could not stay there, and I felt myself slipping through, fast, like on a tall slide.

Down through and into the water, and the whales were there.
My whole inside was just going right up next to one, like a hug, but I was not big enough with arms.But it came brushing up to me, and with the swooshing feeling, I was inside the blue place with them.

I was going to ask them, what to do...but in the flash, I already knew.
And I would like to stay there with them for a long long while.


And then
Sat Apr 02, 2011 1:38 am  I was meditating, and the two dreams came floating by...the nuclear jello, and the green onion ones... 

I feel that this polymer synthetic resin, is what I saw when I wrote just that. 

[[So I was going to go into dreaming, to pour the clear suspension liquid over the soil there, and find out what happens. 

Like one of those polymer gel face masks? They attach to the stuff in the pores and then sort of suck it out? Like seems to absorb the radiation.]] 

But the nuclear jello, it looked and felt just like jello. It was a clearish suspension that jelled after it got poured over the whole place, and it suspended the radiation inside of it..., and when I was bringing it over to the professor, it seemed just like a cup of jello. 
It was made to pour right over the fuel rods. 

Maybe that resin they are using would jell like that if they put it into a cup...but I will watch to see. 

I don't know, but I just felt that there is more, something that has not come out yet. So I figured I would write that. 

So now I am off into my own dreams for a while...

And now they seem to be getting closer, because I just saw this...
 The operator of the troubled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant will start injecting water-absorbing polymers into a cracked pit to stop radioactive water from leaking into the ocean.
And this...
"We are hoping that the polymers will absorb water and fill in the pipe to prevent water from flowing,"
Water absorbing polymers, which are classified as hydro gels

So I guess they are getting closer...and maybe they will also find the nuclear jello that can go right over the fuel rods too. 



I was in the 3D darkness, and there was just a spot that was circle shape, of red was like a red glitter light. So I was watching it.

And then the feeling came around me, the one that feels like sinking into...
and I saw and felt the water coming around me. The greens of the ocean, how it looks when the light comes through it?

And then right in front of me was the large greenish seaweed, like soft sheets alive.

I could feel the water, the movements of it, back and forth, but that comfortable soft feeling, and watching the seaweed move too...
I was looking at it, and put my hand over to touch it, and going right over next to it...I was wondering about the particles, and I could almost see them, but I wanted to ask the plant if they were going inside of it...

It was a curious moment, when that silence happens...and then there was this voice, a female voice, but it sounded like one of those automated voices almost...and that sound like it was coming through loudspeakers. And the echoyness like it was in a very large place, even like a large hallway that is curved, that is how the sound moved. It came with an image of a curved cinder block wall painted.
It just said, 'we will have to replace the pipes...this will continue'

It was so loud, from the quiet with the seaweed.


  1. Elew, I don't think I saved any thread. I saved my dreams, but from my comments you can't actually reconstruct the thread. I'm not used to save conversations with my dreams, for reasons of privacy.... I'll share some dreams, soon, I already "marked" some from back in March and April 2011.

    1. Yeah, I seem to have only saved my dreams and a couple comments. I don't usually save comments unless they show a movement...when what we say between the dreaming helps to clarify it, or gives it new direction. And then I mainly keep them privately as a way to look back and see. Sequences and movements are very important to me, to help me understand my dreaming.
      But I never post anyone elses without first asking...

  2. Before I share my dreams I feel relating to our Fukushima sharing, let my thank you once again, Elew and Nyai, for sharing your dreams and thoughts back then. They inspired me, and challenged me.

    Certainly your way of dreaming was different to mine, and I still think it is advanced compared to what I do, though it is clearer to me today we each have our own ways and styles in dreaming, and there is no common scale with which we can weigh our dreams.

    I would comment on your newer posts, too, Elew, but I don't find a window to do it, like here. (I mean where you write about starting to read "Lavender")

    So here is the first dream I relate to the Fukushima events unfolding ever since March 2011. The comments are also from 2011, if not indicated otherwise:

    It may not be so clear, how the first dream relates to Japan, but now that I searched for premonitions, I think the view of a "map with many islands", "spoiled vaccines spread" and "volcanoes" (earthquake appears in comment) and "health set in danger" are keywords also relating to Japan.

    For the reader: It may be confusing, but at the time of the Fukushima dreaming I was (like I still am) a member of the worlddreamspeacebridge, a group of dedicated dream - activists creating a universe in which peace reigns.

    Independent of this group I partook a formal experiment in mutual dreaming, and then Fukushima happened.

    So I started the thread "Dreaming for Japan" in the bulletin board of International Association for the Study of Dreams. That was where I met Elew and Nyai, and we dreamed together.

    So in a way I was part of three dreamgroups in that time, and of course this meant a bit more chaos, than usual :D

    And if you stumble over some unusual language in my reports, don't be surprised ... German is my mother tongue, English, though practiced almost every day since 1999, is still a second language to me... bear with me :)

    1. I am so glad you opened the thread there, and that we were able to meet you and dream with you.

      Yes, we all dream in our own ways, and I always feel that no one dreamer is 'better at dreaming' or more advanced than another (I get in trouble for feeling that way sometimes, with others who do feel they are more advanced...) but, dreaming I feel, is as natural as smiling, and no one has to be taught to do it...we only need to remember something we have forgotten in our daily lives.

      And just like walking down a road, we each see something different. It makes it very fun to share dreaming, and listen to other's dreams :)

      And now reading...thank you for sharing your dreams here <3

  3. Wednesday, March 9, 2011
    Mediterranean Blues

    I'm seeing a map of the world, rectangular. I look closer, and somehow it looks unfamiliar. I hear a news story saying a large group of physicians and pharmacists has spoiled vaccines trying to make larger profits, while I'm looking closer, and look at the map, only after looking harder I recognize Europe and I am surprised to see so many islands. I read the names of all the cities close to the shore, they are all lined up like the teeth of a comb. In other places (Scandinavia) the names of cities follow the form of mountains. I feel disgusted by the greed and also think there is flaw in the system of health industry making all this possible at such a large scale. Also feel how our good faith is abused and our health set in danger.
    Then I hear other news about how European countries, even Germany, sold weapons to Egypt for fighting al-Qaeda. A vain plan, there are even hints the weapons are in the hands of terrorists, now. Nothing much has been done in the Muslim countries to condemn the way of Al-Qaeda, but to exclude them from a part of religious ceremony where wine is shared.
    I zoom out and focus on the mid east. Two large deserts catch my eyes, each close to a volcano. One is in Africa, and seemingly identical with Sahara, the other one close to Egypt. I'm reading the names of the deserts, and the one close to Egypt is called 'Haifa'. The volcano is right in the center of it.


  4. NOTES (I have to open a new message, I'm over 4,096 characters):

    Let's dream the peaceful change of international operation system.
    Let's dream peace between the Abrahamic religions.
    The proxy of my dentist didn't take seriously my impressions and risked my health. He abused my trust and I think I won't let him treat me again. My impression was it is all about doing a fast job and then enjoying his weekend.
    About the vaccines I also thought of the x-files and the story about using them to 'tag' everybody for identification and control. But my dream doesn't go into this subject.
    The Al-Kaida thing is surprising, but it seems I have been impressed by the statistic I (or M?) shared lately about how much weapons Western states are selling.
    Volcano's and earthquakes are somehow always topics of discussion in wdpb. We had talked about the ring of fire lately.
    My first thought was this may be a precognitive dream.
    Now all the critical regions it alludes to are known. The only prediction coming to my mind would be an attack on Haifa, the large city in North Israel. It is what the Israel government fears, now that Hizbullah has a larger influence in Lebanon. But the volcano in my dream was situated south of Haifa, so it seemingly alludes to the danger coming from West Jordan land. Not sure if missiles from there may reach Haifa. Maybe it isn't meant that specifically, the volcanos in my dream appeared to be dormant, not active, but like a chronic threat.
    I thought about it again, and think the northern of the two volcanoes is situated on Sinai peninsula. This maybe a hint my dream means Mt. Sinai. And the desert surrounding it is called 'Haifa' in my dream. This is another hint the dream relates to the three Abrahamic religions and the explosive potential of their relation.
    I feel the dream is also a dream criticizing the system, the international trade, weapon industry, health industry, international relations. I feel (if it wasn't earlier) I lost my trust in European governments being able to manage international relations in peaceful ways.
    The passage about Muslims and wine also catches my eyes, because it is curious. Comes to my mind there was no ban to alcohol (wine) in the early days of Islam, but it is said after drunk Muslims killed each other Mohammed put a ban on wine.
    Also I'm not aware wine has ever been part of Muslim religious rituals, different to Christians.
    I feel the dream addresses a subtle unity of the different faiths, and put together with the Israel (means Jews) mentioned, there are the three large monotheistic religions.
    If I interpret the ban on al-Qaida in the Christian ritual's symbols, it would mean they aren't allowed to share the blood of the redeemer. They aren't allowed to partake in the heart of religion.
    Though not sure if this applies, and if I got the message of this dream right.
    Still incubating dreams on the situation around Mediterranean Sea.
    Though I didn't focus on it this night.

    Archived at Dreamers United:

    1. I feel you are right about it being precognitive...all the parts are there, even though they sometimes get overlayed with other memory association.

      It is so difficult to know what a precog dream means, in the moment. And hind sight is always so much easier to see it all clearly.
      I had no idea why I dreamt the dead people dream (Haiti Precog), until after it manifested physically...then that dark chill washes over when I realize...

      Your dream could have so many layers too.

      It is really fascinating
