Oct 30, 2005
I had this dream about time.
Not a regular dream, not lucid, not a dream walk, or OBE or any of those.
Sometimes there are dreams that are not mine. I don't know what they are.
When I have these 'other' dreams, they are almost always brown. Not brown like the colour, but like that is the only colour I can see them in. Not even brown as a colour, but like the antique look from one of those "old time" photos. Almost a way to proccess light.
This type of dream is not really visual, it's a feeling that I put into visual.
This one about time, I'm seeing the way time is.
It's very abstract.
There are shapes of time...flat large shapes. Not shapes like square, rectangle, etc...but shapes which are abstract. They are flat, translucent, and large.
They are flowing/moving by one another, and I can't see through them, but I know they are translucent because I feel them that way.
Then as these shapes flow, there is an effect playing out which is like an accordian. Not looking like and accordian, but feeling like it.
It is from the back and forth, yet forward movement...which has more than one side to it.
There are gaps, and folds, and lengths of this accordian time, and there are certain blank parts that seem black, as well as bright parts which feel like they are highlighted.
All of this shading is like if you look at hair that is medium blonde/brown. the light and dark is all shading, it's not really light and dark.
I noticed that there would be ways to walk through this time place, but I was not really there to do it.
If I was there I was not in a way that I recognized...there was no feeling of me in any form that I could move or observe from even.
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