Saturday, May 23, 2015

Dream Mandalas

Oct 8, 2005

I was laying on my tummy and was lost in thought, thinking, "this is
a dream about dreaming, about dreams fitting together & making a
mandala" and as I was thinking this there was a box floating nearby.
I was writing dreams, drawing picture of dreams on dream fabric for
later, and putting them aside.

Next was me sitting on the grass under a large orange floating disc
of fabric, it was like sail cloth, so the daylight came through it.
I was writing dreams and bringing people into dreams. Sometimes this
fabric disc was slowly turning...

Now I was sitting under a large tree with great leaves which
filtered the morning light to a shimmery cool green, like the tree
was absorbing the warmth from the sunlight but it was a nice
coolness, I liked it. I could smell the earth. In front of me I had
a white circle, it was covered in dream fabric. There was a box
(different one) floating near me, and as I was looking at the dream
board I would hold my hand under this box of dreams and the right
piece would float out and come into my hand. Then I would add it to
the dream board.

Then I was in a field with a road alongside it. I needed a white
game box, just one that was blank, to put the dream in. I had this
dream in my hands and it was a very old, ancient dream mandala...I
needed a box to keep it safe.

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