Jan 22, 2006
I had the most intense dreams all night...and they were all about things that had rectangles.
Some were crystals, some were tables, there were doors, and so many rectangles.
They were all in different dreams, or sometimes I was just noticing many in one dream. And the dreams had intense themes.
One lucid was this shop, it was set up like a grocery store, but not the super stores that most people go in. This was more of a corner store, like a general store.
But even though the shelves and walls looked that way it was different.
There were aisles and a 'check out'
On the shelves were these boxes, and they were rectangles. Different sorts of rectangles were on different shelves.
There were many people there very intently looking at the boxes. They were boxes of life. There were sections as if they were movies, with labels...
Each box had a life story in it. They looked like a movie to rent, with a picture on the front and a write up on the back, and a time period.
Then there was culture, in these refridgeration units over to the side, and they looked like yoghurts. But the labels on them, there were rows of different cultures.
So people were choosing the culture and life they wanted.
I was running the check out, and I was just watching these people. No one was speaking to me. Some people were alone, and some came in groups.
One group, they were all discussing between them, which life each would get. And I was seeing this, thinking, 'why would anyone ask someone else what life they should have?'
And there were people who wanted a life like a horror movie, and some would go for the drama ones, or comedy...some had families in the box, and some didn't.
So then this lady comes up with a life and culture in her hands. And I realized that I did not know what to do...and I was thinking, 'oh man, now that I am not sunk in this dream, I don't know about it' and I was looking around at this space I was in, behind the counter, seeing if there was some clue of how I was supposed to run this check out...
I could not find anything, and there was no bleeper thing or register, no money, no receipts, nothing like that. And this lady was just looking at me waiting.
So I asked her if she had done this before, and she said no. But then this other person working there came over, and he said, "here, take your hand like this...and he took my hand and put it in front of the lady...and then remove her life. Just don't let it get in you. Put it in the returns over here. And then send her to me"
I was just thinking, 'what the f..., what sort of job is this???' But I wanted to see what happened, so I did it.
I just felt for her life...as in the life around her...and when I felt it, then I moved my hand back away from her...and this smokey, filmy whitish energy came out of her, or off of her. I cannot really describe what it looked like, but it had a feel to it, almost slimey...but dry. Sort of slippery though.
And then it was hooked to my hand and it was not just falling into the returns. I am looking at it, and it is creeping me out because it is stuck. So I'm thinking...'don't freak out, because that will keep it stuck, it's energy, move it like energy...' and so I just sort of flicked it off into the box. Like breaking away.
Then the lady looked like she was in shock. She was just staring off, and I said to her that she needed to move over to where the guy was...it was like a small room, very small, with a door at each end.
She was in such a daze...but she went where I said.
I wanted to see what he would do, so I went to the door to watch. And he had her eat the culture, and then he opened the box of life, and he had her breath it. Like smelling vicks...it was clear, but I could see the vapors moving from the box into her. It looked like heat waves. When the steam rises, or the heat is seen over pavement in the hottest summer times.
And she was coming out of the shock state. He said to her that she could go, and she did, out the other door.
I asked him if she would remember, and he said she may think she dreamt of another life, but she won't really remember that it was real to her. And then he smiled and said, 'but hey, look around, are any of these lives real?'
We just kept doing this...and each person was different, the way the life came off of them. And then he would do the same with the new culture and life...and send them on their way.
One time there was a guy who his life was like a rubber band...it would not come off, and the guy working with me came and said to me to let it go. And he told the guy that he could not get another life until he finished the one he had.
And then he said to me that I could pick a life if I wanted to...And I just started laughing. "What, are you kidding? I don't want one of those..." And his eyes were smiling, and he just said, "Are you sure?"
And I asked him if he ever sent someone on without putting another life into them...and he just said that it was not our choice, that we cannot choose that for anyone.
Some were crystals, some were tables, there were doors, and so many rectangles.
They were all in different dreams, or sometimes I was just noticing many in one dream. And the dreams had intense themes.
One lucid was this shop, it was set up like a grocery store, but not the super stores that most people go in. This was more of a corner store, like a general store.
But even though the shelves and walls looked that way it was different.
There were aisles and a 'check out'
On the shelves were these boxes, and they were rectangles. Different sorts of rectangles were on different shelves.
There were many people there very intently looking at the boxes. They were boxes of life. There were sections as if they were movies, with labels...
Each box had a life story in it. They looked like a movie to rent, with a picture on the front and a write up on the back, and a time period.
Then there was culture, in these refridgeration units over to the side, and they looked like yoghurts. But the labels on them, there were rows of different cultures.
So people were choosing the culture and life they wanted.
I was running the check out, and I was just watching these people. No one was speaking to me. Some people were alone, and some came in groups.
One group, they were all discussing between them, which life each would get. And I was seeing this, thinking, 'why would anyone ask someone else what life they should have?'
And there were people who wanted a life like a horror movie, and some would go for the drama ones, or comedy...some had families in the box, and some didn't.
So then this lady comes up with a life and culture in her hands. And I realized that I did not know what to do...and I was thinking, 'oh man, now that I am not sunk in this dream, I don't know about it' and I was looking around at this space I was in, behind the counter, seeing if there was some clue of how I was supposed to run this check out...
I could not find anything, and there was no bleeper thing or register, no money, no receipts, nothing like that. And this lady was just looking at me waiting.
So I asked her if she had done this before, and she said no. But then this other person working there came over, and he said, "here, take your hand like this...and he took my hand and put it in front of the lady...and then remove her life. Just don't let it get in you. Put it in the returns over here. And then send her to me"
I was just thinking, 'what the f..., what sort of job is this???' But I wanted to see what happened, so I did it.
I just felt for her life...as in the life around her...and when I felt it, then I moved my hand back away from her...and this smokey, filmy whitish energy came out of her, or off of her. I cannot really describe what it looked like, but it had a feel to it, almost slimey...but dry. Sort of slippery though.
And then it was hooked to my hand and it was not just falling into the returns. I am looking at it, and it is creeping me out because it is stuck. So I'm thinking...'don't freak out, because that will keep it stuck, it's energy, move it like energy...' and so I just sort of flicked it off into the box. Like breaking away.
Then the lady looked like she was in shock. She was just staring off, and I said to her that she needed to move over to where the guy was...it was like a small room, very small, with a door at each end.
She was in such a daze...but she went where I said.
I wanted to see what he would do, so I went to the door to watch. And he had her eat the culture, and then he opened the box of life, and he had her breath it. Like smelling vicks...it was clear, but I could see the vapors moving from the box into her. It looked like heat waves. When the steam rises, or the heat is seen over pavement in the hottest summer times.
And she was coming out of the shock state. He said to her that she could go, and she did, out the other door.
I asked him if she would remember, and he said she may think she dreamt of another life, but she won't really remember that it was real to her. And then he smiled and said, 'but hey, look around, are any of these lives real?'
We just kept doing this...and each person was different, the way the life came off of them. And then he would do the same with the new culture and life...and send them on their way.
One time there was a guy who his life was like a rubber band...it would not come off, and the guy working with me came and said to me to let it go. And he told the guy that he could not get another life until he finished the one he had.
And then he said to me that I could pick a life if I wanted to...And I just started laughing. "What, are you kidding? I don't want one of those..." And his eyes were smiling, and he just said, "Are you sure?"
And I asked him if he ever sent someone on without putting another life into them...and he just said that it was not our choice, that we cannot choose that for anyone.
That was one dream...I would write more, but my fingers may fall off if I try to write them all...they were very detailed, and there were so many, one after the other.
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