Feb 22, 2011
I don't remember when I started going into this mall place, but I have been going there for years of this time now.
Sometimes the whirlpool goes into other places, but alot of times it goes into the mall. I know Nyai has seen the dreams where it goes there.
This mall is always the same, every time I go there, and it is solid, and there are other vibrations of this place too. I am not sure if it is a physical vibration place somewhere though, but it seems like it might be.
When I go there, I have not found a way to leave there, except to go into sleep, so sometimes I have been there for hours, and hours, and more hours.
There is not much to do there, because it is closed, with the chain garage like doors over the shops, and no other people, or alive things, or moving things.
There is a big water fountain that is round, with five water parts, but there is no water in it, because the lights and everything are off. And there is a big domed skylight over the fountain there...which is great for singing, because of the sound.
And the floor is made from marble stone tiles, that are so close together that the lines inbetween them almost cannot be felt when I run my hand over them.
There is a brick wall area, inbetween some of the shops, and by one hallway that goes to a doorway to outdoors, but that is locked too.
I did find the utility room there, and went to try and turn on the power, but that didn't work...and Nyai had said that maybe there might be a main switch, because it is more electricity in buildings like that, but maybe sometime I can show him.
There are small areas along the middle, where there are some wooden slat benches, and some plants there, and there are some red small carpet things there. The kind with the black rubber edges and backing.
There are a few of those areas...
And then nearer to the water fountain, over to the left, if the door hallway and the utility room hallway are behind me, which is also where the restrooms are...but to that left there is another area, with some seats and small tables inbetween them, that is shaped like a U...and there are big glass windows there. It looks like it should be in an airport, but there it is in the mall.
The floor is really good for running and sliding, when I have socks on. Doing cartwheels and things is fun...it is a good place to dance, and to sing, except there is no music.
I have seen part of another vibration of this place though...because sometimes there are shadow people, and in the shadow vibration, everything is open, like the shops, and there are alot of people...they are all just doing regular mall things, and they don't notice me at all. I don't think they know there is other vibrations there.
But maybe it is me who is in the shadow vibration, that part I am not sure about.
Most of the time I have my blue backpack with me, which is where I keep the other dream journal, so sometimes I read those dreams again while I am there. Because they are not the same dreams I write here.
I have gone into sleep alot of times there, and many of those times, I wake back there, instead of here...so then I write those dreams in that book.
I like to read through those dreams too, there are some neat ones...and sometimes I have written some other things there, like I write things about meeting Nyai there, and sometimes things we do.
I started meditating there, because I kind of run out of things to do.
But I have meditated there so many times now. It is pretty much like meditating here, except I am alone there, and maybe lay down on one of the benches, or on the side of the fountain, or sitting on the floor near the brick wall.
Dreaming there, is just like dreaming here too...
I didn't know that other people might not dream and meditate in other places like that too, but it seems like something to do...
And I didn't know until I was writing about the book in the last few months, that apparently other people don't keep a dream journal in other places either...
And sometimes I meditate into a colour while I am there, just like I do while I am here...
Alot of things can happen when I go into a colour.
And I also do alot of energy work things there too.
Mostly, it is not one of my favorite places to go, because as soon as I find myself going there, I get this huge feeling, of, 'oh no!...it's the mall again!'...
because I can be there for sooo long.
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