Saturday, May 23, 2015

Muffin Fingers

Jan 28, 2007

I had an experience last night which showed me something in reverse. 

It is something I have been shown in dreams, and then I see how it goes through, and then I am shown in reverse. 

I found the humor in it. 

My un-child has been living with me, and we share dreams often. 
Well, sometimes, like on the stairs, the double dreaming. 

Then most other times, I dream things she has happen, like the two foot doll, which was filled with wet cotton, and that night the little boy drown in a pool. 
I knew the boy, but the mother is my un-child's close friend. 

Anyhow, last night I was having these dreams, my dreams, and then there was this flash of another dream which was not my dream. 

It was brief, and I could not place it. 

It was taking a bite of a corn muffin. 
That is it, no beforeness, no picking up the muffin, seeing the muffin in my hands, or anything. 

I took a bite, and there was flesh in it. 
I saw it from what would be inside of my mouth, it was a piece of a finger, with one knuckle, like a chopped off finger. In the muffin. 

That was it, full feeling of biting a finger, blah...and seeing it there. 

When my un-child got here, she told me that she had been watching this movie, with limbs being cut off. Hands, fingers... 

I told her about the muffin finger, and she asked if it was an index one?...yes, it was. 

It was not in a muffin, in the movie...but I had gotten corn muffins for her and my music child shortly before, so that is where the muffin comes in. 

It is not actually about the muffin, or the finger in it, or the movie. It is about the way things go through. 

It shows me something more about what and who I get involved with. 
Which actually does fit in with the regular dreams I was having.

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