Saturday, May 23, 2015

Changing Worlds

Apr 2, 2008

I was dreaming, of being in a dying world. No one there knew it was-

The texture would change & no one noticed.

I was in a pocket, of that world, with heavy white fog, that was not
fog. It was chemical, like thick clouds...with redish hues and greys
it. and the consistency...I could move it with my hands, it would
of swirl, and clear...then fill in again.

And a voice, 'when the chlorine is released, the atmosphere will

I knew I could breath in it, but I was trying to show the people
that it could be gone through-into another world.

They did not hear, they asked me to go to a skating show. Ice

When I saw, there were girls, in groups of three with colours. They
flat like paper dolls - and did not fall down when they used gravity
against the blades...and then there were two not flat, with long
they looked alike, and I found myself in one of them.

The one with me was singing, while we skated. I could feel them
And I whispered, 'They can't really feel it, can they, they can't
hear the song.'

We had stopped for a moment, & a woman came to us, looking down at
one with me in a way - she did not want us skating. She said to the
with me, 'if you do not cut the hair...'

So I made our hair to just the length, where she couldn't say
& we skated off...I whispered, 'what are we going to do? I don't feel
like they can see other worlds.'...and the one with me just smiled,
braided my hair?

We shifted to where there were animals, and a man was showing them
but they would not eat it.

He was giving them cookies.

One was a horse I knew physically, so I took the cookies & said I
feed them. The man looked relieved, and faded into....

And there was the horse I knew, in the sunshine, the thickness not
around him. I changed the cookies into carrots, & he smiled. I said
him, 'you know how to go into other worlds, look, there are no
clouds around you....' and he ate the carrots...

I told him I had to leave that place, where the people don't notice
thickness, the chemicals so thick they make clouds of reaction in the
air. And he rubbed his head on me...his eyes are gold/brown, like his

I remembered, in the dream, that we would play. I would run to the
pasture, & he would come find me. He would kneel down so I could get
on his back, & then he would bring me somewhere, where ever he
wanted to
go for the day.

I was showing the one with me, this memory.

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